RAID on Solaris Question

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# 1  
Old 09-16-2011
Computer RAID on Solaris Question

Hello folks;
I'm trying to install Solaris 10 x86 on SUN X4150 box with 6 disks in it, the question is how can i create a Virtual disk like RAID 0 before i install Solaris.
When i boot up i don't see any option to go and create my raid before the installation begin.

Thanks in advance for any hint
# 2  
Old 09-16-2011
Why do you want to create RAID before system installation??
I'm pretty sure that under Solaris itself it is much more flexible.
# 3  
Old 09-16-2011
The issue is when I try to install Solaris first then run format, I don't see the rest of my disks, I only see the one with the OS
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