print multiple lines from text file based on pattern list

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# 1  
Old 09-14-2011
print multiple lines from text file based on pattern list

I have a text file with a list of items/patterns:


I would like to print those lines which match from a tab-delimited file containing many many more lines:

ConsensusfromCGX_alldays_trimmedcollapsedfilteredreadscontiglist(229095contigs)contig60558 1086
ConsensusfromCGX_alldays_trimmedcollapsedfilteredreadscontiglist(229095contigs)contig60559 641 95 14.038 ConsensusfromCGX_alldays_trimmedcollapsedfilteredreadscontiglist(229095contigs)contig60559 731
ConsensusfromCGX_alldays_trimmedcollapsedfilteredreadscontiglist(229095contigs)contig60560 620 1406 245.247 ConsensusfromCGX_alldays_trimmedcollapsedfilteredreadscontiglist(229095contigs)contig60560 625
ConsensusfromCGX_alldays_trimmedcollapsedfilteredreadscontiglist(229095contigs)contig60561 609 208 36.771

Can grep process a pattern file? It seems as if it should, however, I have not had success. sed, awk? Please help. Thanks.
# 2  
Old 09-14-2011
What's your system?

grep -F -f patternfile < logfile

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