UTC time and Local time

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# 1  
Old 09-06-2011
UTC time and Local time


A few days ago I changed my CentOS box's timezone to -07:00.
Now the date commands output look like this (run almost simultaneously, less than 1 second delay)..
# date
Mon Sep  5 20:23:40 PDT 2011
# date -u
Tue Sep  6 03:24:05 UTC 2011

The hours difference seems correct, but why is the UTC time 25 seconds ahead?
I always thought that those two commands should only differ by the timezone (and daylight saving if applicable).


Last edited by Franklin52; 09-07-2011 at 04:38 AM.. Reason: Please use code tags for code and data samples, thank you
# 2  
Old 09-06-2011
Just a suggestion. One shows hardware time (UTC, I think) and other linux kernel time setting with some network daemon. You can check you hardware time with hwclock (as root).
# 3  
Old 09-07-2011
I changed the timezone again, and now the 'seconds' part is perfectly synchronized between "date" and "date -u".
hwclock seems to be 2 seconds ahead of "date".
Still not sure why the 'seconds' part differs by 25 seconds before... but thanks for the additional info regarding the difference between hardware and kernel times.

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