Deleting all but a regex using sed, tr, cut etc

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# 1  
Old 08-28-2011
Question Deleting all but a regex using sed, tr, cut etc

Hi guys, this is my first post, though I've been looking around the forums for a while trying to find a solution to my problem. I want to be able to take a several lines of text (an out put from get-iplayer and ls to be precise) and only keep the crazy alphanumerical code in each line. For example:

Originally Posted by get-iplayer
b011rf7y: Doctor Who: Series 6 - 7. A Good Man Goes to War
b0146h0q: Doctor Who: Series 6 - 8. Let's Kill Hitler
and also

Originally Posted by ls
All I want to do is extract the codes (e.g. b011rf7y, b00sj9qj), so I can compare them.

I've tried using Sed, tr, and cut but I can't seem to get the right output (though I can do plenty of other neat things). Which of these should I be using? I think my regex is

but I'm not sure (from by the way)
# 2  
Old 08-28-2011
[ZSH-4.3.11] tmp % cat testlist
b011rf7y: Doctor Who: Series 6 - 7. A Good Man Goes to War
b0146h0q: Doctor Who: Series 6 - 8. Let's Kill Hitler

[ZSH-4.3.11] tmp % cut -d : -f 1 -s  testlist 

[ZSH-4.3.11] tmp % cut -d : -f 2-3  testlist  
 Doctor Who: Series 6 - 7. A Good Man Goes to War
 Doctor Who: Series 6 - 8. Let's Kill Hitler


[ZSH-4.3.11] tmp % cut -d : -f 2-3  testlist | sed 's/^ //g; s/://g; s/ /_/g'

Last edited by xbin; 08-28-2011 at 11:40 AM..
# 3  
Old 08-28-2011
Maybe this would be enough (GNU grep):
egrep  -o 'b[0-9a-z]{7}'

# 4  
Old 08-28-2011
Thanks Yazu I'll give it a go, I think I can see whats happening.

Xbin, really struggling to see what you've done...Smilie
# 5  
Old 08-28-2011
So does it works for you or not?
b011rf7y: Doctor Who: Series 6 - 7. A Good Man Goes to War
b0146h0q: Doctor Who: Series 6 - 8. Let's Kill Hitler

$  egrep  -o 'b[0-9a-z]{7}' INPUTFILE 


O, yes. I didn't understand about struggling... Ok, it's not for me. Smilie
This User Gave Thanks to yazu For This Post:
# 6  
Old 08-28-2011
Yazu, It works perfectly! thanks very much!

---------- Post updated at 06:47 PM ---------- Previous update was at 05:44 PM ----------

Ok the egrep line works, but I'd like it to change the file I act it on, not just print out to the terminal.

egrep  -o 'b[0-9a-z]{7}' ./FILENAME > ./FILENAME

That just wipes all lines from the file. I can't see anything salient in the man file either.

# 7  
Old 08-28-2011
Just output it in another file.
egrep  -o 'b[0-9a-z]{7}' FILENAME >

And then, if you want

It's possible to do it in one step with sed or perl, but it's not safe.
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