Adding new columns to txt files

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# 1  
Old 08-25-2011
Adding new columns to txt files

Dear all,
I have a question. I have a txt.file as below. i want to add 3 more columns: column3=conlum 2*column2; column4=(1-column2)*(1-column2); column5=1-column3-column4. Do you know how to do it? Thanks a lot!

column1 column2
a 1
b 20
c 30
d 3
# 2  
Old 08-25-2011
code: (without the header)
awk 'NR>1{c3=$2*$2;c4=(1-$2)*(1-$2);c5=1-c3-c4;print $0,c3,c4,c5}' yourFile

a  1   1    0    0
b  20  400  361  -760
c  30  900  841  -1740
d  3   9    4    -12

This User Gave Thanks to sk1418 For This Post:
# 3  
Old 08-25-2011
it works well. Thanks so much!
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