Diff between calling a shell script with ./ and . ./

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# 1  
Old 08-18-2011
Diff between calling a shell script with ./ and . ./


I have a shell script named setUP in which i am sourcing one variable like

source var_name="CLASSPATH".

When i call it as ./setUP, it does not set the var_name variable. But when i call it like . ./setUP then var_name is set up. What is the difference between this two calls?

Thanks in advance
# 2  
Old 08-18-2011
When you execute it as ./setUP, a child shell is invoked first and them the setUP script is invoked in the child shell. So the var_name is set in that (child) shell and is available to it and its children - not its parent.

By invoking it as . ./setUP, you are asking the shell to execute the script in the current shell. Hence, var_name is visible to your current shell.
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