linux sort command produces strange output

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# 1  
Old 08-11-2011
linux sort command produces strange output

cat a

sort a

NOTE: .a and .b appears before ba and bb, where as .c appears after bc.

In general

if the file has strings of the type .<x> and <y><x>,

then for all x <= y, .x appear before yx and
for all x>y, .x appear after yx

Is this a bug or an expected behavior? It latter is the case, then what is the explanation?
# 2  
Old 08-11-2011
What distribution you are using ?

In solaris, i get the below output

$ sort test
bash-3.00$ cat test 

# 3  
Old 08-11-2011
There are some environemntvariables that influence sorting, LANG and LC_ALL beeing the ones that are used most often.
$ cat mytext.txt
$ unset LC_ALL
$ sort mytext.txt
$ export LC_ALL=C
$ sort mytext.txt

# 4  
Old 08-11-2011
... with LC_COLLATE being the most specific.

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