Deleting words and sorting

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# 1  
Old 08-09-2011
Deleting words and sorting

I have a file that looks some like this:
##################################### topd Tree1 - Tree5 #######################################
* Percentage of taxa in common: 100.0%
* Nodal Distance (Pruned/Unpruned): 2.077448 / 2.077448
* Nodal Distance random (Pruned/Unpruned): ( 5.097028 +/- 0.358701 ) / ( 5.097028 +/- 0.358701 )

##################################### topd Tree1 - Tree3 #######################################
* Percentage of taxa in common: 100.0%
* Nodal Distance (Pruned/Unpruned): 1.768821 / 1.768821
* Nodal Distance random (Pruned/Unpruned): ( 5.067970 +/- 0.367315 ) / ( 5.067970 +/- 0.367315 )

##################################### topd Tree1 - Tree2 #######################################
* Percentage of taxa in common: 100.0%
* Nodal Distance (Pruned/Unpruned): 1.962142 / 1.962142
* Nodal Distance random (Pruned/Unpruned): ( 5.148824 +/- 0.367955 ) / ( 5.148824 +/- 0.367955 )

##################################### topd Tree1 - Tree127 #######################################
* Percentage of taxa in common: 100.0%
* Nodal Distance (Pruned/Unpruned): 1.470470 / 1.470470
* Nodal Distance random (Pruned/Unpruned): ( 5.058969 +/- 0.347412 ) / ( 5.058969 +/- 0.347412 )

##################################### topd Tree1 - Tree88 #######################################
* Percentage of taxa in common: 100.0%
* Nodal Distance (Pruned/Unpruned): 1.529534 / 1.529534
* Nodal Distance random (Pruned/Unpruned): ( 5.073246 +/- 0.355342 ) / ( 5.073246 +/- 0.355342 )
I need to delete most of the information and sort the rest in such way that I get the following output file
Tree2: 1.962142
Tree3: 1.768821
Tree5: 2.077448
Tree88: 1.529534
Tree127: 1.470470
Any help will be greatly appreciated

Last edited by Xterra; 08-09-2011 at 12:57 PM..
# 2  
Old 08-09-2011
With GNU sed and sort:
sed -n '
/Tree/ { s/^.*\(Tree[0-9]\+\).*$/\1: /; h}
/Distance (/ { s|^.*/ \([0-9.]\+\)|\1|; x; G; s/\n//p }
' INPUTFILE | sort -V -k1,1   
Tree2: 1.962142
Tree3: 1.768821
Tree5: 2.077448
Tree88: 1.529534
Tree127: 1.470470

For "pruned" data and for not GNU sed and sort:
sed -n '
s/^.*\(Tree\)\([0-9]\+\).*$/\1 \2:/
/Distance (/{
s|^.*: \([0-9.]\+\) / [0-9.]\+$|\1|
' INPUTFILE | sort -n -k2,2 | sed 's/ //'

Last edited by yazu; 08-09-2011 at 01:28 PM..
This User Gave Thanks to yazu For This Post:
# 3  
Old 08-09-2011
Problem with the last section

Everything is fine but this part is giving me an error:
sort -V -k1,1

sort: invalid option -- v
I do not see the '-v' option under sed. Am I missing something here?

---------- Post updated at 12:41 PM ---------- Previous update was at 12:39 PM ----------

That took care of it!
sed -n '
s/^.*\(Tree\)\([0-9]\+\).*$/\1 \2:/
/Distance (/{
s|^.*: \([0-9.]\+\) / [0-9.]\+$|\1|
' INPUTFILE | sort -n -k2,2 | sed 's/ //'

# 4  
Old 08-09-2011
This is option for GNU sort - version sort. I've given another variant.
This User Gave Thanks to yazu For This Post:
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