Question with read command in ksh

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# 1  
Old 07-29-2011
Error Question with read command in ksh


I was writing a script to accept input using read. When I put !#/usr/bin/ksh in the beginning of the script, it accepts only 258 characters. And I remove it, it accepts more. I'm wondering what the difference is.

Thanks in advance,
# 2  
Old 07-29-2011
When you remove "!#..." you run a script in your current shell. I believe you can find your current interactive shell with "echo $SHELL".
# 3  
Old 07-29-2011
Actually I am aware of that. When I tried printing out that, it only gave me /usr/bin/ksh.

I just need my script to accept more than 258 characters like it does without #!/usr/bin/ksh.
# 4  
Old 07-29-2011
Hm... I don't understand then why it works different with #! and without.

Solaris has so many ksh-es (you are on Solaris, aren't you?). Try to find them all with "which -a ksh". I just check on linux (ksh-93t+), it works fine with strings of any length with and without "#!"

And 258 is a very arbitrary number...
# 5  
Old 07-29-2011
Yes, I am on Solaris.

Here are the results from which -a ksh

no -a in . /usr/lib/nis /usr/bin /usr/ucb /etc /export/opt/SCsu/bin /usr/local/bin /usr/sbin /export/opt/SSHtectia/6.0.12_A1/sbin/ /export/opt/SSHtectia/6.0.12_A1/bin/ /export/opt/scripts /opt/oraClient/ /masked_fs/vignette/addons/cryptix tclSSL.class /usr/ucb .


# 6  
Old 07-29-2011
Ok (infamous unix differences):
type -a ksh

# 7  
Old 07-29-2011
Here it is.. (No option -a is available.)

ksh is /usr/bin/ksh

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