How to get complete path in variable excluding last word?

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers How to get complete path in variable excluding last word?
# 1  
Old 07-14-2011
How to get complete path in variable excluding last word?

Hello Experts,

Can you please help me by providing a code which can give me the complete path except last word in a variable, the variable i can use anywhere else for my operation


if this below one is my path:


I want a code which can pull


in a variable excluding "list.txt" [last word.]

Please helpSmilie

Last edited by aks_1902; 07-14-2011 at 04:49 AM..
# 2  
Old 07-14-2011


$ dirname "a/b/c.txt"

This User Gave Thanks to itkamaraj For This Post:
# 3  
Old 07-14-2011
$> VAR=user/oracle/Test_admin/myfolder/bakup/part_bkptemp_part_bkp_repeated/list.txt
$> echo ${VAR%/*}"/"

$> V=$(dirname user/oracle/Test_admin/myfolder/bakup/part_bkptemp_part_bkp_repeated/list.txt)`echo '/'`
$> echo $V

$> BLA=user/oracle/Test_admin/myfolder/bakup/part_bkptemp_part_bkp_repeated/list.txt
$> echo $BLA| sed 's/[^/]*$//'

This User Gave Thanks to zaxxon For This Post:
# 4  
Old 07-14-2011
thanks a lot

---------- Post updated at 02:56 AM ---------- Previous update was at 02:55 AM ----------

Awesome dude thanks
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