Samba permissions

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# 1  
Old 07-13-2011
Samba permissions

I'm in the process of setting up a Ubuntu based samba server to replaces our current windows file server.

I have everything properly configured including having the server authenticating with AD but im having trouble setting up permission on a folder to mimic our current windows setup.

From a windows client I can surf to
\\Win-server\Private\username and I have it setup so our users can't enter the Private directory but can access a mapped drive that points to a mapped drive.

For example JDoe can only access \\Win-server\Private\jdoe and Mary can only access \\Win-server\Private\mjane but neither can surf directly to \\Win-server\Private\.

Is this even possible and if so how?
# 2  
Old 07-13-2011
A directory needs to be readable to see its contents, but only needs to be executable to cd into or through it. So a directory set to 110 would let the user that owns it or groups that belong to it cd into dir/whatever, but give 'permission denied' on 'ls dir'.
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