problem submitting job to queue

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Old 07-13-2011
problem submitting job to queue


I am trying to submit a job to a queue on a cluster. When I run the job ( python script) from the command line it runs without putting python at the start. The script imports everything from another congifuration file (.config) but when I submit to the queue it tells me there is no module with this name. I have tried export <path> using the path to python and the path to the script itself but it either says no .config module or command not found, respectively. Any suggestions for how to make it submit to queue successfully are welcome.


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NWPJMV(1)							      nwpjmv								 NWPJMV(1)

nwpjvm - Move print job to Unix queue SYNOPSIS
nwpjmv [ -S server ] [ -h ] [ -U user name ] [ -P password | -n ] [ -C ] [ -q queue name ] [ -c command ] [ -j job number ] [ -d ] DESCRIPTION
nwpjmv is a program that connects to print queues on NetWare servers and moves a designated print job to a Unix queue. OPTIONS
-h -h is used to print out a short help text. -S server server is the name of the server you want to use. -U user user is the print server name at the server. -P password password is the password to use for the print server at the server. If neither -n nor -P are given, and the user has no open connection to the server, pserver prompts for a password. -n -n should be given if the print server does not require a password. -C By default, passwords are converted to uppercase before they are sent to the server, because most servers require this. You can turn off this conversion by -C. -q queue name queue name is the name of the print queue you want to service. -c command nwpjmv removes the designated job from the Novell queue and feeds the job file to stdin. command is the printing command that is exe- cuted for each job. The default command is 'lpr'. You can insert several flags into the command, preceded by %. These are replaced with values retrieved from the queue structure for the print job. %u: This field will be replaced by the name of the user who posted this print job. %d: This field will be replaced by the job description field of this print job. -j job number This designates the ID number of the print job to be moved. -d causes extra error messages to be logged. SEE ALSO
nwclient(5), slist(1), pqlist(1), ncpmount(8), ncpumount(8), pserver(1) CREDITS
nwpjmv was written by Bruno Browning ( based on pserver by Volker Lendecke ( nwpjmv 03/15/2003 NWPJMV(1)