Find with Prune not working

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# 1  
Old 07-12-2011
Find with Prune not working


I am trying to list all files in every subdirectory from a given location. However, I realise that 1 folder will have files that I am not interested in. This is using a .csh file to execute

I have tried different scripts but to no avail. My current incarnation is below. Would someone be able to help please? So basically, list all files in every subdirectory, except files in the subdirectory "ignoreme". The $DOWNLOADSFOLDER exists and without the prune I am getting all the files.

Thanks in advance Smilie

echo `find $DOWNLOADSFOLDER -type f -path '$DOWNLOADSFOLDER/ignoreme' -prune`

# 2  
Old 07-12-2011
Try leaving $DOWNLOADSFOLDER/ out of the prune.
# 3  
Old 07-12-2011
See if this works for you:
find $DOWNLOADSFOLDER -type f \! -path "$DOWNLOADSFOLDER/ignoreme"

# 4  
Old 07-12-2011
Here is one also
find $DOWNLOADSFOLDER ! \( -type d -name 'ignoreme' -prune \) -type f

This User Gave Thanks to Peasant For This Post:
# 5  
Old 07-13-2011
Originally Posted by Peasant
Here is one also
find $DOWNLOADSFOLDER ! \( -type d -name 'ignoreme' -prune \) -type f

Thank you Peasant. The following would also solve the issue
find $DOWNLOADSFOLDER \( ! -name 'ignoreme' -o -prune \) -type f

But, I really don't understand how it works. So, please tell me what is the difference between the above one (your solution) and the one which I have given and suggest me which one is efficient.
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