Sort by columns

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# 1  
Old 07-12-2011
Sort by columns


I have a text file that looks like this and I need a bash script to:

12:48:32 PM 002* OUT 000418
01:10:34 PM 002* ONL 000418
01:49:17 PM 001* OUT 000364
01:52:09 PM 001* ONL 000364

The fields are: 12-hour format time, some number, state (online, offline) and another number.

What I need to do is a bash script to sort by the last number and also if there are more than 1 same numbers, I want them to be sorted by time (older top and newer as we go down).
My source is already sorted by time but if I sort them by the 5th column with
sort -k5b

, they come up like this:

01:49:17 PM 001* OUT 000364
01:52:09 PM 001* ONL 000364
01:10:34 PM 002* ONL 000418
12:48:32 PM 002* OUT 000418

the last two are wrong because 12:48:32 PM is older than 01:10:34 PM.

Could you help me please?
# 2  
Old 07-12-2011
If I'm not missing something:

sort -k5n -k2 -k1n infile

If there are no entries between 12:00:00 PM to 12.59:59 AM/PM Smilie

Last edited by radoulov; 07-12-2011 at 10:22 AM..
# 3  
Old 07-12-2011
Thank you very much for your fast reply.

Well since my input is already sorted by time, I found out that if I use:
sort -s -n -k 5

it does the job.

Now I have something like this (which is what I want)

12:51:16 PM 018* ONL 000021
01:08:35 PM 018* OUT 000021
09:21:44 AM 001* OUT 000034
09:25:05 AM 001* ONL 000034
01:16:48 PM 003* OUT 000048
01:28:15 PM 003* ONL 000048

I want to check the last line of every number in the last column if there is an OUT keyword.
For example here:

12:51:16 PM 018* ONL 000021
01:08:35 PM 018* OUT 000021


Any help on this?

Thank you.
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