Normal format and scientific combined data

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# 1  
Old 07-08-2011
Normal format and scientific combined data

hi guys,

i have a data with a column of p value (normal format and scientific combined). i want to creat a subset of data which only contains p-value:
data 1: p<10^7
data 2: p<0.01

how should i do it? many thanks!

data looks like:
rs7841347  128887490 1.695e-007
rs1241347  127887790 1.985e-005
rs5641347  879887790 0.0001
rs56417     887790      0.98


Last edited by radoulov; 07-08-2011 at 05:18 PM.. Reason: Code tags.
# 2  
Old 07-08-2011
What would the output look like for this input?
# 3  
Old 07-08-2011

the first output data (p<10^-7) looks like:
rs9765 23568  1.45e-008
rs1342 1235677 1.89e-009

the 2nd output data (p<0.001) looks like:
rs9765 23568  1.45e-008
rs1342 1235677 1.89e-009
rs432 4386098 0.0004


Last edited by Scott; 07-09-2011 at 06:21 AM.. Reason: Code tags
# 4  
Old 07-10-2011
I have no idea how you're getting that output data from that input data.

---------- Post updated at 12:00 PM ---------- Previous update was at 11:55 AM ----------

Given your original input data:
$ awk -v P=10E7 '($3<P)' < data
rs7841347  128887490 1.695e-007
rs1241347  127887790 1.985e-005
rs5641347  879887790 0.0001
rs56417     887790      0.98
$ awk -v P=0.01 '($3<P)' < data
rs7841347  128887490 1.695e-007
rs1241347  127887790 1.985e-005
rs5641347  879887790 0.0001

Is this what you want?
# 5  
Old 07-10-2011
Hi, forevertl.

I'm with Corona688:
I have no idea how you're getting that output data from that input data.
As we have often posted here:
To obtain the best answers quickly when you want help in
processing datasets -- extracting, transforming, filtering,

1. Post representative samples of your data (i.e. data that
should "succeed" and data that should "fail")

2. Post what you expect the results to be, instead of trying
only to describe them. Be clear about how the results are to be
obtained, e.g. "add field 2 in file1 to field 3 from file2"

3. Post what you have attempted to do so far.

4. Place the data and expected output within CODE tags, so that
they are more easily readable.

Special cases, exceptions, etc., are very important to include
in the samples.
Best wishes ... cheers, drl
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