DNS mail server configuration

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Old 07-08-2011
DNS mail server configuration

Hello fellow unix dudes, I have a question on DNS.

Basically the error is my domain.com server can not send email to my
mail.domain.com server.

I have a virtual server with one IP say and a mail server with

When the virutal server on ip was setup, it was setup with DNS with the following named.conf

zone "192.10.11.in-addr.arpa" {
        type master;
        file "192.10.11.in-addr.arpa";
        allow-transfer {
zone "domain.com" {
        type master;
        file "domain.com";
        allow-transfer {
acl common-allow-transfer {

My question is how do I setup the virtual server on
(domain.com) to send email to (mail.domain.com)???

I can email gmail fine and I can even telnet to port 25 on mail.domain.com.

Just seems to be a DNS issue when trying to send an email from domian.com to user@domain.com not seeing the mail.domain.com server.

Any insight would be appreciated, thanks.

Last edited by pludi; 07-08-2011 at 12:17 PM..
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