Merge Files into Single with Header

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# 1  
Old 07-08-2011
Merge Files into Single with Header

Hi All,

I am trying to merge all files in a directory that end in *.txt to a single file with the contents one after the other. This I can do using the cat function but how do I put the name of the file as a header for each one in the combined single file and seperate the contents from each file by a space?

Any quick suggestions?
# 2  
Old 07-08-2011
awk > common.out 'FNR == 1 {
  printf "%s\n\n", ((NR == 1 ? x : "\n") FILENAME)  
  }1'  file1 ... filen

# 3  
Old 07-08-2011
Using a loop that echoes the filename that you append to your file and enter a line feed at the end of the append (end loop).
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