Adding the content of file in another one...

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers Adding the content of file in another one...
# 8  
Old 07-07-2011
Assuming that words "awk" and "Delete_zero_flux" appear together only on the line that you want to change:
awk 'NR==FNR{x=$0;next}/awk/&&/Delete_zero_flux/{$4=$4x}1' file2 file1

This User Gave Thanks to bartus11 For This Post:
# 9  
Old 07-07-2011
It worked but I noticed something interesting...
I remembered that what I actually need to be put in the file is 220 (that is 221-1) so I did the following:

$ awk 'NR==FNR{x=$0;next}/awk/&&/Delete_zero_flux/{$4=(($4)-1)x}1' test test2
# Then delete unwanted lines from ALL the files (data + model)
awk '{print "head -222 "$1" > reduce_lines_"$1}' all > Delete_zero_flux
chmod +x Delete_zero_flux
ls reduce* > all_reduce

$ awk 'NR==FNR{x=$0;next}/awk/&&/Delete_zero_flux/{$4=(($4)+1)x}1' test test2
# Then delete unwanted lines from ALL the files (data + model)
awk '{print "head -220 "$1" > reduce_lines_"$1}' all > Delete_zero_flux
chmod +x Delete_zero_flux
ls reduce* > all_reduce

It is interesting that I actualy have to "add" when in reality I am getting the subtraction output.. any idea why?
# 10  
Old 07-07-2011
You are subtracting from the wrong variable. Try this:
awk 'NR==FNR{x=$0-1;next}/awk/&&/Delete_zero_flux/{$4=$4x}1' test test2

This User Gave Thanks to bartus11 For This Post:
# 11  
Old 07-07-2011
Now I run into one more problem...
For some files with the numbers (like the one that had 221), the file is blank [It is not a mistake no output means that I don't need to use head -xxx but use the whole file (which has 238 lines)
Is there a way to get the correct expression
(head -238)

for the cases with blank input files?
# 12  
Old 07-07-2011
awk 'NR==FNR{x=$0-1;print x;next}/awk/&&/Delete_zero_flux/{if(x==-1){$3="\"cat";$4=""}else{$4=$4x}}1' test test2

# 13  
Old 07-07-2011
I tried it and this is what I get:


# 14  
Old 07-07-2011
Woops, that print shouldn't be there Smilie Try now:
awk 'NR==FNR{x=$0-1;next}/awk/&&/Delete_zero_flux/{if(x==-1){$3="\"cat";$4=""}else{$4=$4x}}1' test test2

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