useradd - size of login name

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# 1  
Old 08-06-2001
PHP useradd - size of login name

Is there a way to bypass the limit of 8 characters which is mentioned when you use "useradd" on Solaris 7x?

The Man pages mention following sentence:
The login field (login) is a string no more than eight bytes
consisting of characters from the set of alphabetic charac-
ters, numeric characters, period (.), underscore (_), and
hypen (-). The first character should be alphabetic and the
field should contain at least one lower case alphabetic
character. A warning message will be written if these res-
trictions are not met. A future Solaris release may refuse
to accept login fields that do not meet these requirements.
The login field must contain at least one character and must
not contain a colon (Smilie or a newline (\n).

# 2  
Old 08-06-2001
Not that I know of. However, if you are mostly interested in email, you can aliase the user name to longer names in the /etc/aliases file. That is what we do.
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