After login to a server getting NOTHING

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Old 07-06-2011
After login to a server getting NOTHING

Hello ,

I am getting a strange result when trying to login to a server with my credentials, terminal getting hang i.e NOTHING . If i see the process status with other account getting some process rpc_wa is running , Could you please comment /suggest on this.

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rlogind(8c)															       rlogind(8c)

       rlogind - remote login server


       The server is used for the program.  The server provides a remote login facility with authentication based on privileged port numbers.

       The  server is invoked by when it receives a connection on the port indicated in the login service specification.  For further information,
       see When a service request is received, the following protocol is initiated:

       1.  The server checks the client's source port.	If the port is not in the range 0-1023, the server aborts the connection.

       2.  The server checks the client's source address and requests the corresponding host name.  If the hostname cannot be determined, the dot-
	   notation representation of the host address is used.

       Once  the source port and address have been checked, allocates a pseudo terminal and manipulates file descriptors so that the slave half of
       the pseudo terminal becomes the stdin, stdout, and stderr for a login process.  For further information, see

       The login process is an instance of the program, invoked with the option.  The login process then proceeds with the authentication  process
       as described in but if automatic authentication fails, it reprompts the user to log in on a standard terminal line.

       The  parent of the login process manipulates the master side of the pseudo terminal, operating as an intermediary between the login process
       and the client instance of the program.	In normal operation, the packet protocol described in is invoked to provide ^S/^Q type	facilities
       and propagate interrupt signals to the remote programs.	The login process propagates the client terminal's baud rate and terminal type, as
       found in the environment variable, TERM.  For further information see

       The screen or window size of the terminal is requested from the client, and any changes in the window size from the client are sent to  the
       pseudo terminal.

       The authentication procedure used here assumes the integrity of each client machine and the connecting medium.  This is insecure, but it is
       useful in an open environment.

       All diagnostic messages are returned on the connection associated with the stderr, after which any  network  connections  are  closed.	An
       error is indicated by a leading byte with a value of 1.

       Hostname for your address unknown
       No entry in the host name database existed for the client's machine.

       Try again
       A fork by the server failed.

       /bin/sh: ...
       The user's login shell could not be started.

See Also
       rlogin(1c), inetd(8c)
