12. If an ‘88’ Record with BAI Code ‘902’ was found on input file and not written to Output file, re

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers 12. If an ‘88’ Record with BAI Code ‘902’ was found on input file and not written to Output file, re
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Old 07-06-2011
12. If an ‘88’ Record with BAI Code ‘902’ was found on input file and not written to Output file, re

This is my input file like this

MY Question is
If an ‘88' Record with Code ‘902' was found on input file and not written to Output file, reduce the amount on the 49 record by the amount of the 902 Code and reduce the count by one on the 49 record. If No Code ‘902' was on the account, move the ‘49' Record to the Output File untouched

Last edited by Scott; 07-06-2011 at 09:51 AM.. Reason: Code tags, again... Seems like homework, so closed, anyway
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