Identifying the first line that has zeros

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers Identifying the first line that has zeros
# 1  
Old 07-05-2011
Identifying the first line that has zeros

If I have a file like:

9350.  0.288426
9370.  0.320469
9390.  0.394475
9410.  0.353157
9430.  0.336001
9450.  0.336692
9470.  0.356827
9490.  0.359891
9510.  0.346305
9530.  0.356506
9550.  0.348306
9570.  0.36832
9590.  0.379067
9610.  0.0246704
9630.  0
9650.  0
9670.  0
9690.  0
9710.  0
9730.  0
9750.  0
9770.  0
9790.  0
9810.  0
9830.  0
9850.  0
9870.  0
9890.  0
9910.  0
9930.  0
9950.  0

And I want to automatically find the line where column 2 is a starts to be zero (in this case = 15) how can I do that?
# 2  
Old 07-05-2011
This one...?
sed '/ 0$/!d;q' inputfile

This User Gave Thanks to michaelrozar17 For This Post:
# 3  
Old 07-05-2011
$ awk '!$2&&!c++' tst
9630.  0
$ awk '!$2&&!c++{print NR}' tst

This User Gave Thanks to ctsgnb For This Post:
# 4  
Old 07-05-2011
# sed -n '/[^ ]*[^\t ]*0$/{p;q}' file ## it works the lines that has 2 columns

# awk '$2~/^0$/{print;exit}' file  ## it works the lines that has more than 2 columns when the line found firstly otherwise it works like sed

# 5  
Old 07-05-2011
Originally Posted by ctsgnb
$ awk '!$2&&!c++{print NR}' tst

How can I include a sentence like:

The first zero is in line ...

I tried

awk '!$2&&!c++{print "The first zero for file1 is" NR}'

But didn't work Smilie
# 6  
Old 07-05-2011
Originally Posted by cosmologist
How can I include a sentence like:

The first zero is in line ...

I tried

awk '!$2&&!c++{print "The first zero for file1 is" NR}'

But didn't work Smilie
You forgot the very last argument : the filename on which you run you awk command !!!

$ awk '!$2&&!c++{print "The first zero for file1 is " NR}' tst
The first zero for file1 is 15

You can enhance the code so it pick up the name of the file that is currently being processed by awk :

awk '!$2&&!c++{print "The first zero for " FILENAME " is " NR}' yourfile


[ctsgnb@shell ~]$ cat tst
9350.  0.288426
9370.  0.320469
9390.  0.394475
9630.  0
9650.  0
9890.  0
9910.  0
9930.  0
[ctsgnb@shell ~]$ cat tst2
9590.  0.379067
9610.  0.0246704
9620.  0
9630.  0
9640.  0
9650.  0
9660.  0
[ctsgnb@shell ~]$ awk '!$2&&!c++{print "The first zero for " FILENAME " is " NR}' tst
The first zero for tst is 4
[ctsgnb@shell ~]$ awk '!$2&&!c++{print "The first zero for " FILENAME " is " NR}' tst2
The first zero for tst2 is 3

---------- Post updated at 09:21 PM ---------- Previous update was at 09:07 PM ----------

but my code may behave erroneously : if no value exists in $2 it will report the line number, so maybe you would prefer ygemici code which also have the advantage not to scan further line as soon as the first "2cnd-column-equal-zero" line has been found

awk '$2~/^0$/{print "The first zero for " FILENAME " is " NR;exit}' input

Last edited by ctsgnb; 07-05-2011 at 05:15 PM..
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