How to deal with incomplete image files

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# 1  
Old 06-29-2011
How to deal with incomplete image files

Sorry for the odd title, but I couldn't think of an easy way to describe my issue.

I have a home security system that continually sends (via FTP) 4 different still images to a directory on my personal website - cam0.jpg, cam1.jpg, etc. I've written an extremely basic html script to display the images on a single page, and I can access that from anywhere (using a DynDNS address).

In general the web page works fine, but the problem I have is that one of the images is always in the middle of being overwritten by an updated one. The result is either half an image, a corrupt image or sometimes even an error if I catch the file at just the right spot (maybe as its writing the header or something...)

Is there any way to structure the directory, or some other technique that will "cache" the existing image before it's overwritten? The goal is to have all four images intact each time I enter the web page.

I don't think I have any control over how the security software writes to the FTP site, so maybe I'd need to have some script running that only copies intact files to a secondary directory... I really don't know about this one...

Thanks for any help!

# 2  
Old 06-29-2011
Originally Posted by CinciJeff
Is there any way to structure the directory, or some other technique that will "cache" the existing image before it's overwritten?
You could rename the file before you upload, or upload as a different name.
I don't think I have any control over how the security software writes to the FTP site, so maybe I'd need to have some script running that only copies intact files to a secondary directory... I really don't know about this one...
But then you have the problem of how to identify intact files. How long does it take to upload one file? Would a lag of double that time before the updated picture becomes visible be acceptable?
# 3  
Old 06-29-2011
The software uploads images every second or so. I'd be fine with every 5 or 10 seconds. I can dig around the software settings and see if I can increase the time between uploads, though I seem to remember that this wasn't an option. If I do increase the lag time, the probability of an incomplete file decreases, but it doesn't guarantee anything.

Regarding renaming the files, I don't have a way to do this though the software.
# 4  
Old 06-29-2011
You have several options to solve your issue.

Here is one suggestion:

1) Change your FTP script as follows:
1.a) Before it starts to copy the images, it deletes a flag file (example: All_Done.txt) if it exists.
1.b) Copy all files to your directory.
1.c) The last step is to create the flag file in the same directory.

2) Write a script/program as follows:
2.a) If it sees the flag file in the directory:
2.a.I) Rename all FTP files to append a suffix to it (example: "cam0_view.jpg", "cam1_view.jpg").
2.a.II) Delete the flag file.

3) Change your html script to display the images from the "XXXX_view.jpg".

The only issue is the split milisecond that will take to rename the files to "view"
where the FTP could be trying to send the new files, otherwise, the above
is a safe procedure.

Hope it helps.
# 5  
Old 06-30-2011
Originally Posted by CinciJeff
The software uploads images every second or so. I'd be fine with every 5 or 10 seconds.
Hmmm. If you could increase that to 5 or more that'd be good. This should work in BASH or KSH:

# Minimum age of a file to replace.
# There's a lag/jitter since time's measured in seconds,
# so set an AGE of at most 3 for a file updated every 5 seconds.

# File to watch for updates on

# File to keep up to date

# Create temp files of increasing age
for ((N=0; N<AGE; N++)) ; do touch /tmp/$$-$N ; sleep 1 ; done

# Delete temp files on exit no matter what
trap "rm -f /tmp/$$-[0-9]" EXIT

while true
        sleep 1

        # Update oldest file
        touch /tmp/$$-$((N%AGE))
        ((N++)) # N is now the next-oldest file

        [ -f "$WATCH" ] || continue

        # File is old enough to be done
        if [ "${WATCH}" -ot "$OLDEST" ]
                # do NOT replace:  Move COMPLETE files into its place.
                # incomplete files will never be seen.

                ln "${WATCH}" "${WATCH}-tmp"
                rm -f "${OUT}" "${WATCH}"
                mv "${WATCH}-tmp" "${OUT}"

Running this and a 'while true ; do sleep 5 ; touch recent ; done' loop, it worked like clockwork, waiting until 'recent' was at least 4 seconds old before replacing complete and deleting recent. Which is cutting it a bit close I suppose -- possible it could jitter one second once in a while, wait 5 seconds, get caught the instant an upload happens and grab an incomplete. (Which wouldn't be the end of the world, since it's not COPYING incomplete data, it's LINKING it: Data will continue to be appended.) AGE=2 would be better for 5 seconds.

complete is kept complete at all times that it exists, so the worst you'd get is a 404. The odds of seeing the 404 are miniscule. And you might even be able to do a workaround with a custom 404 redirect that just sends it to the same image.

Last edited by Corona688; 06-30-2011 at 07:50 PM..
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