Finding size of all directories

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# 1  
Old 06-28-2011
Question Finding size of all directories

Alright so I've tried a couple different things that at first glance, looked like they worked.

find . -maxdepth 5 -type d -daystart -mtime 1 | xargs du -h

Which seems to ignore the previous commands such as depth and modified time.

find ..  -maxdepth 2 -type d -daystart -ctime 1 | xargs ls -dsh

Which appears to adhere to maxdepth and modified time, however gives an incorrect directory size..
8.0K ..
8.0K ../scripting/Final_Testing
8.0K ../scripting/Prelim_Testing

What I actually want, is to check to see if files in a directory have been modified, and then list the directory name and file size associated with it.

I'm very tired today, and I feel a fresh pair of eyes may help, thanks in advance

Last edited by Aussiemick; 06-28-2011 at 01:50 AM..
# 2  
Old 06-28-2011
I'll give it a shot Smilie
find "$PWD" -type f -daystart  -mtime -1 -exec du -sk {} \; | \
sed -e "s#\(/.*/\)#&\t#g" -e "s# #_#g" | \
awk '{a[$(NF-1)]=a[$(NF -1)] +$1 } {b[$(NF-1)]=b[$(NF -1)] $NF" "} END {for (i in a) print "DIR "i,"INCREASED SIZE FOR " a[i]/1024"MB","DELTA FILES : "b[i] } '

$PWD is starting dir, we need absolute paths.
Used du -sk for numeric in KB.
-type f instead of -type d you used.
If files in directory have spaces they are represented as _ instead of <space>.
I'm sure it has bugs Smilie

# 3  
Old 06-28-2011
What I actually want, is to check to see if files in a directory have been modified, and then list the directory name and file size associated with it.
Please re-phrase the question avoiding the ambiguous "it" and give a detailed example of source data and expected output where the figures are correct. Please make the required units (blocks, kilobytes, whatever) clear.

Hmm. What is "file size associated with it"?
# 4  
Old 06-28-2011
Oh sorry, so I don't want individual files to be recorded, I only want the size of the folder.

But using ls, most folders return a size of like 8kb, whereas I know matter of factly I have hundreds of MB in some folders.

The output ideally would look something like
134M .
12M ./folder1
4M ./folder1/1
8M ./folder1/2
8KB ./folder2
1MB ./folder3

Something like that, with total filesize WITHIN the folder, not the files themselves

The idea behind this is that I can then export these to a csv file, open it in excel and create a % of growth formula to be used daily and track where the biggest changes in data occur
# 5  
Old 06-28-2011
The output from say "ls -lad" on a directory is the size of the directory file itself (how much space it takes to hold a list of files, properties, permissions and location on disc).

I don't have your version of "find" and cannot verify "-daystart" but I can see that the "-mtime" operator needs to be relative (-mtime -1) rather than absolute (-mtime 1). There is much variation in the syntax and behaviour of the "find" command. Try it on your system.

For example:
find . -maxdepth 5 -type d -mtime -1 | xargs du -sh

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# 6  
Old 06-28-2011
Finding size of all directories-daystartpng

I have a few different outputs for mtime, I don't overly understand the difference between 1 and -1 though

Finding size of all directories-sspng
Finding size of all directories-daystartpng
Finding size of all directories-sspng
# 7  
Old 06-28-2011
I honestly thought the idea of daystart was to start mtime from like, 12am, but that command was sorta thrown at me, so I just used it.

Also from the above image, I honestly can't tell what mtime 1 is showing me, although mtime-1 and 0 both seem to show what I did yesterday

I need more sleep, my brain is fried, working on little sleep != good
I'll try have another look later, thanks for all your help

Originally Posted by Peasant
I'll give it a shot Smilie
find "$PWD" -type f -daystart -mtime -1 -exec du -sk {} \; | \
sed -e "s#\(/.*/\)#&\t#g" -e "s# #_#g" | \
awk '{a[$(NF-1)]=a[$(NF -1)] +$1 } {b[$(NF-1)]=b[$(NF -1)] $NF" "} END {for (i in a) print "DIR "i,"INCREASED SIZE FOR " a[i]/1024"MB","DELTA FILES : "b } '

$PWD is starting dir, we need absolute paths.
Used du -sk for numeric in KB.
[i]-type f instead of -type d you used.
If files in directory have spaces they are represented as _ instead of <space>.
I'm sure it has bugs Smilie

Interesting looking code, I ran it and had no bugs, I really don't understand awk or sed but that's purely because I haven't had enough experience with them, are you able to explain your code at all?

Last edited by Aussiemick; 06-28-2011 at 10:01 PM..
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