quick way to get earlier commands?

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# 1  
Old 06-22-2011
quick way to get earlier commands?

I used to use a linux system that would allow me to bring up previously-used commands by typing the first (or more) letters of a previous command and then hitting the tab key. It was incredibly useful. Now I've switched to using a mac and it doesn't work. Is there an analog to this for macs? Thanks...
# 2  
Old 06-22-2011
try this in your .profile or .bashrc file
alias r='fc -e -'

r m

reruns the most recent command starting with "m" (or more letters)
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# 3  
Old 06-22-2011
Originally Posted by ac2011
I used to use a linux system that would allow me to bring up previously-used commands by typing the first (or more) letters of a previous command and then hitting the tab key. It was incredibly useful. Now I've switched to using a mac and it doesn't work. Is there an analog to this for macs? Thanks...
That's called tab completion, and works for commands you didn't use before too.

OSX terminal did have tab completion last time I used it. It had BASH, the same shell many Linux varieties use. Are you running an alternative shell, or have you played with your ~/.bashrc files?
# 4  
Old 06-22-2011
CTRL+R is a good one too. It does a reverse-search of bash history. It may be possible whatever you're trying to tab-complete has >1 match. Hit TAB twice for a list.
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