Deleting all rows that contain redundant information

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# 1  
Old 06-16-2011
Deleting all rows that contain redundant information

My input file looks like this:
1	rs4040617	0.08356
1	rs4040617	0.06799
1	rs2977612	0.07948
1	rs2977612	0.07882
1	rs2977612	0.07783
1	rs2977612	0.08142
1	rs2977612	0.07716
1	rs2977612	0.08356
1	rs2977612	0.06799
1	rs2980300	0.08356
1	rs2980300	0.08142

I want to delete all rows that have the same string for column 2, except the first row that contains that specific string such that my output would look like:
1	rs4040617	0.08356
1	rs2977612	0.07948
1	rs2980300	0.08356

How do I go about doing that? Thanks!

Last edited by Scott; 06-16-2011 at 08:54 PM.. Reason: Code tags, please...
# 2  
Old 06-16-2011
$ awk '!A[$2]++' file
1	rs4040617	0.08356
1	rs2977612	0.07948
1	rs2980300	0.08356

This looks much like your previous thread!

And, please start using code tags.
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