VI Question

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# 1  
Old 07-24-2001
VI Question

I have a document with carrots at the beginning of every line. The document is extremely long. How would I go about deleting the first character of every line in one quick command. I've looked through tons of VI documents and can't find an answer.

# 2  
Old 07-24-2001
once your in vi.


the ctrl+v will produce a ^.

and i belave my syntax should be correct and look at the beginning of the line then look for a Carrot as the next charter. but if you want to get ride of all carrots in the file just use


i am sure you can also use the tr (translate) utility if you wanted.

man tr

Last edited by Optimus_P; 07-24-2001 at 06:24 PM..
# 3  
Old 07-24-2001

Hello, how are you doing? In order to delete the first carrot of every line, do the following:

cut -c -d2- oldfilename> new file name

e.g. cut -c -d2- JHeliosfear > JHeliosfear2

What you should now be left with is the second character of every line onward. I hope this resolves your issue...:-)
# 4  
Old 07-24-2001
Unfortunatley I'm with that command I'm getting:

$ cut -c -d2- config1 > config2
cut: invalid character in range

Originally posted by JHeliosfear
Hello, how are you doing? In order to delete the first carrot of every line, do the following:

cut -c -d2- oldfilename> new file name

e.g. cut -c -d2- JHeliosfear > JHeliosfear2

What you should now be left with is the second character of every line onward. I hope this resolves your issue...:-)
# 5  
Old 07-24-2001

Try cut -c 2- oldfile > newfile

# 6  
Old 07-25-2001
Data Apology/ Correction

My humblest apologies.. I did not mean to include the "d"elimeter option within my solution to you. The person who wrote immediately after your response was correct. The command goes as follows:

cut -c2- old > new
# 7  
Old 07-25-2001

You can use
but with the g option it will remove all the occurences of the carrat from your document. If you want to remove the carrat only from the begining i.e only the first occurence then simply omit the g from the end of the command
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