Comparator or metrics tool - options

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# 1  
Old 11-06-2009
Comparator or metrics tool - options

Hi all,

I am looking for some open source comparator or metrics generator kind of tool. I am sure this is not something new that am asking and probably some of you would have already made use of that in your daily work.


Assume that the above is input ( definitely a downsized version )

I am looking for some open source tools that does the following -
a) contributor_3 is agreeing with 60% of values what contributor_2 is saying
b) contributor_3 is agreeing with 20% of values what contributor_1 is saying
c) on the whole contributor_3 is agreeing with 20% of the values what contributor_1 and contributor_2 are saying

Hope I have made the question clear, if not please do let me know.

The above might seem straight forward to implement in the first shot ( as I thought ) but as the number of contributors increase and the combination that can be derived out of 'n' contributors simply rather than working out on a solution, its better to check if its there already

This is more like a metrics and analysis problem which almost every company has to deal with.

Have you come across with such need for metrics?
What tool do you use?
Are there any open source tools that does that already?

Many thanks Smilie
# 2  
Old 11-08-2009
Or if you have not come across such a tool you could at least share your experience if you have encountered such need on your day to day work.

Did you just write the script that does that?
Did you have to mix up some existing scripts for that?

What's the strategy behind that?
# 3  
Old 11-23-2009
Collecting metrics, information retrieval from the data both structured and unstructured data is part of any job. That is basically for reporting, projection, forecasting, auditing etc and etc

So, how basically how do you handle all those data aggregation, data metrics in your day to day job.

Am interested to listen to those about any open source tools, in house tools? Smilie
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