Problems running script on remote Terminal

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# 1  
Old 11-05-2009
Problems running script on remote Terminal

I'm new here so please excuse any stupidity that occurs in my post :P
My situation:
Have a java program which I have to run a ridiculous amount of times and put the output data into a text file.
Thought the easiest way to do this would be to delve into the world of scripts.
I am at home (on a mac) with remote access to my university computers (linux).
Wrote a script which I think might possibly work:

while [ $i <= 1000]
    java RMIClient telford-00 1090 $i > "$i.txt"
    count='expr $i + 10'

I uploaded it into the same directory as the code
Followed some instructions on the internet to chmod it using:
chmod +x

Where RMIScript is the name of the script.

Tried to run it using both:
sh ./


however both come out with errors 'cannot open =: No such file'

Any advice would be appreciated.

Changed code to:
while [ $i -lt 1000]
    java RMIClient telford-00 1090 $i > "$i.txt"
    i=$[i + 10]

same error.

Last edited by lozyness; 11-05-2009 at 09:45 AM.. Reason: Change in code
# 2  
Old 11-06-2009
come out with errors 'cannot open =: No such file'

Paste the error as it is, this way we will be able to identify the issue.
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