Splitting files into a specific directory

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# 1  
Old 11-04-2009
Splitting files into a specific directory


I am trying to do the following;
bzcat data.in.bz2 | split -l 1000000 -d

this work great, except that once the files have been split, they are not in the directory I want them to be in. So I then have to move them, at times this can get hairy.

Is there anyway to specify where the files go after using the split command?

# 2  
Old 11-04-2009
bzcat data.in.bz2 | (cd whereever; split -l 1000000 -d)

cd whereever
bzcat /path_to_my_bzfile/data.in.bz2 | split -l 1000000 -d

# 3  
Old 11-04-2009
Is there anyway that the files outputted couldn't have the x00 format and instead make it have a more meaningful name? Or is the mv command also required for that?

Thanks though, the directory idea worked.
# 4  
Old 11-04-2009
Check the man page for split, you can vary it somewhat.

If you have a degree in quantum physics you could challenge csplit.
# 5  
Old 11-04-2009
it turns out that - is the secret... I had no idea what the man page was talking about with that dash, but doing this

bzcat $datadir/FILE.bz2 | split -l num -d - $outputdir/FILE_NAME

will put it in the directory and with the name.

Thanks for all the help : )
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