Getting error when running script through crontab

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# 1  
Old 10-27-2009
Getting error when running script through crontab

Hi all,

I wrote small script for Solaris and when I am running it through command prompt its ok, but when I trying to run it using crontab, i am getting error like:

Code: dbloader: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory
/tmp/ line 5:  8304 Killed                  /fullpath/script /using/some/directory > /tmp/output.hc

script usin some input parameters and one of this is -/using/some/directory

Could someone help me to find out what is the problem ca be... May be I have to define some path for PATH variable (if so - in /etc/profile or $HOME_DIR/.profile and which path)?

Thanks in advance,

Last edited by zaxxon; 10-27-2009 at 05:35 AM.. Reason: code tags please!
# 2  
Old 10-27-2009
Environments are not automatically active in cronjobs, ie. you have to make sure that environment files like .profile etc. are sourced/used explicitly. It's often better to use absolute paths etc. since PATH will be different than when being logged in with a user.
These problems occure often so have a look at this maybe too:
# 3  
Old 10-28-2009
Hi, thanks for replies.

zaxxon, thanks for link it is very interesting.

But unfortunatelly, problem still exist... (((

My test script is:
bash-3.00$ more 
echo $SPF > /tmp/output.hc
/opt/spots-pms/bin/dbloader -d / -ei -fi -r /var/opt/spots-pms/traffic_data/ascii/*.spf >> /tmp/output.hc

If I am using only name, without full path, i am getting error:
bash-3.00$ mail
From spots@SPOTS Wed Oct 28 13:08:00 2009
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 13:08:00 +0400 (AZT)
From: SPOTS Administrator <spots@SPOTS>
Message-Id: <200910280908.n9S980ii014185@SPOTS>
To: spots@SPOTS
Subject: Output from "cron" command
Content-Length: 132
Your "cron" job on SPOTS
produced the following output:
/tmp/ line 4: dbloader: command not found

? dp

But if I am using full path in script, then i am getting error:
bash-3.00$ mail
From spots@SPOTS Wed Oct 28 12:57:00 2009
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 12:57:00 +0400 (AZT)
From: SPOTS Administrator <spots@SPOTS>
Message-Id: <200910280857.n9S8v0x8013564@SPOTS>
To: spots@SPOTS
Subject: Output from "cron" command
Content-Length: 315
Your "cron" job on SPOTS
produced the following output: dbloader: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory
/tmp/ line 4: 13560 Killed                  /opt/spots-pms/bin/dbloader -d / -ei -fi -r /var/opt/spots-pms/traffic_data/ascii/*.spf >>/tmp/output.hc

Which directory or file not exist? I was trying to define PATH - opt/spots-pms/bin/ in /etc/default/cron, but same result...
And again if i am running from command line its ok.

Last edited by pludi; 10-28-2009 at 07:39 AM.. Reason: code tags, please...
# 4  
Old 10-28-2009
Full path looks better than without. Make sure that you have the same environment like when you start it on the command line.

Code: dbloader: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory

... looks to me as if there is still some variable that contains a path to some libraries is not set when being executed via cron.

Check the original environment of that user with the command env and set and do same with your script being fired off via cron and compare if there is some obvious looking variable is not set.

Make sure that this script/cronjob sources the .profile and any other needed environment files.

Last edited by zaxxon; 10-28-2009 at 09:51 AM.. Reason: added info
# 5  
Old 10-28-2009
Further to zaxxon. A agree, you are probably missing an environment variable which points to a Library Path.
To see the difference in environments:
Write a small script containing just your shebang and a "set" command and an "env" command.
1) Submit the script as an "at" job from your normal prompt.
2) Submit the script as a "cron" job.
3) Compare the output.
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