using .cron

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# 1  
Old 10-10-2009
Question using .cron

I want thunderbird -> compose mail window to pop up every wednesday and saturday at 6 p.m...How to do it using cronjobs file?
In the matter writing area fo thunderbird, it should contain a message written in it (say hello.........thank you).
Subject is to be automatically be with default subject(say work hours).
To whom it has to be sent has be default(say

How can these be done now using .cron ?
# 2  
Old 10-11-2009
first figure out the command line arguments to do launch thunderbird, compose a new message and add the headers, content you want.

this link may help,

then put all those commands in a shell script and then create a cron job to call the shell script

if you can do the thunderbird stuff on one line, you don't need the script, you can tell cron to call the command directly
# 3  
Old 10-11-2009
ok. Will try this and will check it....Hope this works....Thank you...I will let you know if it worked :-)
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