I've just started using UNIX in a Linux vmplayer. I'm trying to run the command:
in a script from an online tutorial, but I keep getting an error message:
I assume it is because the user I'm logged in as does not have permission to access (or write) to the particular directory. How do I enable permissions for this user so that the command will work?
The prompt reads: vadmin@vadmin:~$
If I'm omitting an important detail, saying something that makes no sense, or otherwise being foolish, it's just because I started learning Linux/UNIX last week.
Last edited by pludi; 10-09-2009 at 02:12 AM..
Reason: code tags please...
Not sure what you are trying to do but:
1) in /usr/lib/... should not be found users stuff as for security tidyness etc... only bin, root etc... are owners and are allowed to write there...
2) I wonder if you know what you are doing...
Reread the man pages (man ln) look at the syntax and in your home directory create two subdirs (dir1, dir2), then go in the first and do ln -s dir2 ../dir2 and look at the result, do you see anything? where is the link?
Now look at your command you tried to pass...
The error does make sence no?
I have a file with more than 1 layers of soft links for it. For ex.
ls -la .profile
.profile@ -> /home/act/.profile_abc
ls -la
/home/act/.profile_abc@ -> .profile_final
I want to get the name of the last file (i.e. .profile_final) when I refer to .profile using shell script. I... (2 Replies)
Hi all,
I have scoured the entire forum for this but to no avail unfortunately. Basically, I would like to remove my symbolic link from my folder name i.e.
foldername -> /a/b/c/d/f
where f is indeed a folder. I have tried rmdir but this does not work and in actual fact deletes the... (4 Replies)
Hi Guys...
I want to create a link using ln -s for a directory that does not exist on the box.
How do I do that?
I had some files from Box A directory /d1/u01 and I copied the files across to another Box lets say Box B on directory /d2/u02.
Now I want a link so that this path /d1/u01... (2 Replies)
I am linking a directory as follows:
ln -sf /home/xxx/userid/real_files/* /home/xxx/userid/linked_files
This gives me symbolic links for all the files in the real_files directory in the linked_files directory. My question is, if I go and remove a file in the real_files directory and then go... (1 Reply)
- we have copy (cp command) to do to save all the contents of a dty BUT we dont want to copy the files corresponding to symbolic links contained whithin this dty
- the box is a sun solaris one - and the cp commande do not say avything about that?
thanks for help
Jakez (7 Replies)
Is there a limit to the number of symbolic links you can have?
I tried to vi the symbolic link relating to a file and got the following error:
"filename" Too many levels of symbolic links
There is only one symbolic link to one file in this case, but there are >2000 other links to... (2 Replies)