Locked out of ssh and sftp

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# 1  
Old 10-05-2009
Locked out of ssh and sftp

I've been having troubles where i get locked out of shh and sftp. It happens overnight and when i come in the next day i have been locked out and can't seem to log in to the server through ssh or sftp. It is a co location server and each day i am having to have the hosts restart my server. When they do i can log in to sftp and ssh for the remainder of day. The funny thing is all other services seem to be working on the server even when i am locked out. E.g . The webserver (apache/php) is still live luckily. I can ping the machine also.

I have looked at the crashreporter.log file and there is no entries reporting any program crashes. I have looked at the system log and each day for the past week i have 1000s of authentication attempts via ssh and other services from a variety different IPs. The IPs that are trying to authenticate are from various different countries. What should I do do you think this kind of forced log in attempts could stop ssh and sftp from allowing log ins for a period of time. If not where should i look?
# 2  
Old 10-05-2009
If these log in attempts are not from machines that should be SSH'ing to this host then you could do several things:
1. Change from the default port of 22 to something different (port line in sshd_config on the server and port line in ssh_config on client machine).

2. Configure a firewall on the webserver to only allow SSH from your client(s), remembering to specify the alternate port number if you have also adopted suggestion1. If you do setup a firewall then it will need to allow HTTP in as well of course!
# 3  
Old 10-06-2009
Thanks I'm trying to get a hardware firewall implemented. I found that the log gave this report moments before a crash

[Time 2009.10.05 14:45:52 UTC] [Facility user] [Sender servermgrd] [PID -1] [Message servermgr_dns: no name available via DNS for] [Level 3] [UID -2] [GID -2] [Host DomainwiseWeb2]
[Time 2009.10.05 14:45:52 UTC] [Facility user] [Sender servermgrd] [PID -1] [Message servermgr_dns: no hostname set and unable to detect via DNS, services may not function properly - use changeip to repair] [Level 3] [UID -2] [GID -2] [Host DomainwiseWeb2]
[Time 2009.10.05 14:45:53 UTC] [Facility user] [Sender servermgrd] [PID -1] [Message Vsize has grown to 49M. Exiting to clear memory leak.] [Level 2] [UID -2] [GID -2] [Host DomainwiseWeb2]
[Time 2009.10.05 14:45:53 UTC] [Facility launchd] [Sender launchd] [PID -1] [Message com.apple.servermgrd: exited with exit code: 12] [Level 4] [UID -2] [GID -2] [Host DomainwiseWeb2]
[Time 2009.10.05 14:45:53 UTC] [Facility launchd] [Sender launchd] [PID -1] [Message com.apple.servermgrd: 9 more failures without living at least 60 seconds will cause job removal] [Level 4] [UID -2] [GID -2] [Host DomainwiseWeb2]
[Time 2009.10.05 14:45:53 UTC] [Facility user] [Sender servermgrd] [PID -1] [Message servermgr_dns: no name available via DNS for] [Level 3] [UID -2] [GID -2] [Host DomainwiseWeb2]
[Time 2009.10.05 14:45:53 UTC] [Facility user] [Sender servermgrd] [PID -1] [Message servermgr_dns: no hostname set and unable to detect via DNS, services may not function properly - use changeip to repair] [Level 3] [UID -2] [GID -2] [Host DomainwiseWeb2]
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