Help with Data Sorting Command

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# 1  
Old 09-29-2009
Help with Data Sorting Command


I have a problem on data sorting, example my file as below:

123 123/789 aaa bbb ccc ddd (adf)
112 112/123 aaa bbb ccc (ade)
102 1a3/7g9 (adf)03
110 12b/129 aaa bbb ccc ddd fff(a8f)03
117 42f/8c9 aaa bbb ccc ddd (adf)
142 120/tyu fff
612 023/w03 bbb ccc ddd (adf)03 lll kkk
152 d68/b56 {eng} aaa ddd (a)05
710 129/po9 aaa bbb ccc ddd (adf)
189 822/78y aaa ccc ddd (adf)03
345 g67/239 aaa bbb ccc ddd (adf) eng jkl ggg
189 822/78y (adf)03

Not sure what is the command that i can use to extract and display the data only on column 3(eg, aaa,bbb,ccc) then elimanate the line that without aaa,bbb,ccc and any others unmatched attributes(eg eng,ggg,ddd...)

example output:
123 123/789 aaa bbb ccc
112 112/123 aaa bbb ccc
110 12b/129 aaa bbb ccc
117 42f/8c9 aaa bbb ccc
612 023/w03 bbb ccc
152 d68/b56 aaa
710 129/po9 aaa bbb ccc
189 822/78y aaa ccc
345 g67/239 aaa bbb ccc

appreciate your help!!!
# 2  
Old 09-29-2009

make use of this code.....

grep -e "aaa" -e "bbb" -e "ccc" data|egrep -o '.*ccc'

It gives the output

123 123/789 aaa bbb ccc
112 112/123 aaa bbb ccc
110 12b/129 aaa bbb ccc
117 42f/8c9 aaa bbb ccc
612 023/w03 bbb ccc
710 129/po9 aaa bbb ccc
189 822/78y aaa ccc
345 g67/239 aaa bbb ccc


Last edited by sanjay.login; 09-29-2009 at 07:59 PM..
# 3  
Old 09-30-2009
i've try the method above, but result returned inaccurately.
Is there any other way to sort the data, other than grep

117 42f/8c9 aaa bbb ccc
612 023/w03 fff bbb ccc
710 129/po9 aaa bbb ccc
# 4  
Old 09-30-2009
Originally Posted by 793589
i've try the method above, but result returned inaccurately
Sanjay's code works on the input posted - which seems to differ from the input you're actually using: there's no line '612 ... fff ...' in the data given to us, and to my knowledge, grep is not that creative Smilie

[house@leonov] cat test.file | grep -e 'aaa' -e 'bbb' -e 'ccc' | egrep -o '.*ccc'
612 023/w03 bbb ccc

# 5  
Old 10-01-2009
I'm sorry Smilie , acutally i didn't gave the full set of data from my file(i just copy a part from my file) and that's why you guys did not see the line with "612 023/w03 fff bbb ccc"....

maybe, i'm in too rush and not given the details enough...
my file is actually like this,
0123123:56:Y01:S32 123/00/00/000T ddasr_#3T aaa#6 bbb ccc ddd (adf) 88
6897112:46:R51:B00 112/32/03/003M ca_a#6 aaa# ddpsr_2A_RA#3T ddasr_#3T bbb# ccc (ade) ce_b#6 27
5548102:66:Y03:B02 1a3/7g9/65/7YY (adf)03 ddmsrsb2sgy_2g#188T ddMgfdus1889rsb2sgy_ART_2g#36T
1645810:97:Y87:B55 12b/129/00/110 prefsdb_sgdbf_bdfb_aaa zzgthmk5af_6#6 aaa zmzgjklphmk5af#6 ddp35sad2Cr_2C_RA#35T bbb ccc# ddd fff(a8f)03 63
5348117:02:R89:B31 42f/8c9/28/7YU prefsdb_sgdbf_bdfb_aaa aaa#6 bbb ccc ddd (adf) 99
1479992:93:R22:B85 120/tyu/36/DFU prefsdb_sgdbf_bdfb_aaa zzgthmk5af_6#6 fff 26
6745512:76:Y65:S99 023/w03/10/11P ddmsrsb2sgy_2g#188T bbb ccc ddd# (adf)03 lll kkk#
0234152:85:R00:S55 d68/b56/65/11U {eng} aaa ddd (a)05 ddmsrsb2sgy_2g#88
7689710:65:R01:B45 129/po9/85/027 aaa bbb ccc ddd (adf)
1001289:10:R01:B76 822/78y/64/008 prefsdb_sgdbf_bdfb_aaa zzgthmk5af_6#6 fff 26
3356745:23:Y66:B96 g67/239/65/11M aaa bbb#7 ccc ddd (adf) eng jkl ggg prefsdb_sgdbf_bdfb_aaa zzgthmk5af_6#6 fff 26
1889429:15:Y02:S88 822/78y/00/04M (adf)03

my 1st question, for the column with bold:
what is the suitable command(other than grep) use to extract and eliminate all unwanted alphabet/symbol/number and display exactly "aaa","bbb" and "ccc"...

the output should look like this
0123123:56:Y01:S32 123/00/00/000T aaa bbb ccc
6897112:46:R51:B00 112/32/03/003M aaa bbb ccc
1645810:97:Y87:B55 12b/129/00/110 aaa bbb ccc
5348117:02:R89:B31 42f/8c9/28/7YU aaa bbb ccc
6745512:76:Y65:S99 023/w03/10/11P bbb ccc
0234152:85:R00:S55 d68/b56/65/11U aaa
7689710:65:R01:B45 129/po9/85/027 aaa bbb ccc
3356745:23:Y66:B96 g67/239/65/11M aaa bbb ccc

my 2nd question, for the column 2 with "/":
What is the most appropriate/eazy command to help me remove 1st and 2nd "/" and then replace the 3rd "/" with "."

i'm expected the output look in this way,
0123123:56:Y01:S32 1230000.000T aaa bbb ccc
6897112:46:R51:B00 1123203.003M aaa bbb ccc
1645810:97:Y87:B55 12b12900.110 aaa bbb ccc
5348117:02:R89:B31 42f8c928.7YU aaa bbb ccc
6745512:76:Y65:S99 023w0310.11P bbb ccc
0234152:85:R00:S55 d68b5665.11U aaa
7689710:65:R01:B45 129po985.027 aaa bbb ccc
3356745:23:Y66:B96 g6723965.11M aaa bbb ccc

Thanks in advance Smilie
# 6  
Old 10-01-2009
Hi 793589,

Hope this code will work for you.

awk '{x=$1" "$2; for (i=3;i<=NF;i++){ if ($i~"^aaa"||$i~"^bbb"||$i~"^ccc"){$i=substr($i,1,3);x=x" "$i}}; print x;x="" }' infile |awk 'NF>2{print $0}'

input :

0123123:56:Y01:S32 123/00/00/000T ddasr_#3T aaa#6 bbb ccc ddd (adf) 88
6897112:46:R51:B00 112/32/03/003M ca_a#6 aaa# ddpsr_2A_RA#3T ddasr_#3T bbb# ccc (ade) ce_b#6 27
5548102:66:Y03:B02 1a3/7g9/65/7YY (adf)03 ddmsrsb2sgy_2g#188T ddMgfdus1889rsb2sgy_ART_2g#36T
1645810:97:Y87:B55 12b/129/00/110 prefsdb_sgdbf_bdfb_aaa zzgthmk5af_6#6 aaa zmzgjklphmk5af#6 ddp35sad2Cr_2C_RA#35T bbb ccc# ddd fff(a8f)03 63
5348117:02:R89:B31 42f/8c9/28/7YU prefsdb_sgdbf_bdfb_aaa aaa#6 bbb ccc ddd (adf) 99
1479992:93:R22:B85 120/tyu/36/DFU prefsdb_sgdbf_bdfb_aaa zzgthmk5af_6#6 fff 26
6745512:76:Y65:S99 023/w03/10/11P ddmsrsb2sgy_2g#188T bbb ccc ddd# (adf)03 lll kkk#
0234152:85:R00:S55 d68/b56/65/11U {eng} aaa ddd (a)05 ddmsrsb2sgy_2g#88
7689710:65:R01:B45 129/po9/85/027 aaa bbb ccc ddd (adf)
1001289:10:R01:B76 822/78y/64/008 prefsdb_sgdbf_bdfb_aaa zzgthmk5af_6#6 fff 26
3356745:23:Y66:B96 g67/239/65/11M aaa bbb#7 ccc ddd (adf) eng jkl ggg prefsdb_sgdbf_bdfb_aaa zzgthmk5af_6#6 fff 26
1889429:15:Y02:S88 822/78y/00/04M (adf)03


0123123:56:Y01:S32 123/00/00/000T aaa bbb ccc
6897112:46:R51:B00 112/32/03/003M aaa bbb ccc
1645810:97:Y87:B55 12b/129/00/110 aaa bbb ccc
5348117:02:R89:B31 42f/8c9/28/7YU aaa bbb ccc
6745512:76:Y65:S99 023/w03/10/11P bbb ccc
0234152:85:R00:S55 d68/b56/65/11U aaa
7689710:65:R01:B45 129/po9/85/027 aaa bbb ccc
3356745:23:Y66:B96 g67/239/65/11M aaa bbb ccc

and for your second question for first "/" replace wth null and third "/" replaced with a "."

you can go for the command
sed 's/\//./3g
s/\///g' file_name

so for single command you can go for :

awk '{x=$1" "$2; for (i=3;i<=NF;i++){ if ($i~"^aaa"||$i~"^bbb"||$i~"^ccc"){$i=substr($i,1,3);x=x" "$i}}; print x;x="" }' infile |awk 'NF>2 {print $0}'|sed 's/\//./3g

which will give the desired output:
0123123:56:Y01:S32 1230000.000T aaa bbb ccc
6897112:46:R51:B00 1123203.003M aaa bbb ccc
1645810:97:Y87:B55 12b12900.110 aaa bbb ccc
5348117:02:R89:B31 42f8c928.7YU aaa bbb ccc
6745512:76:Y65:S99 023w0310.11P bbb ccc
0234152:85:R00:S55 d68b5665.11U aaa
7689710:65:R01:B45 129po985.027 aaa bbb ccc
3356745:23:Y66:B96 g6723965.11M aaa bbb ccc

enjoy Smilie


Last edited by sanjay.login; 10-01-2009 at 08:44 AM..
# 7  
Old 10-01-2009
Thank you very much...
To have a better understand, could you please help to give a simple brief on every switchs that you have applied on awk command?
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