Copy selected lines in vim

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# 1  
Old 09-12-2009
Copy selected lines in vim


I am looking to copy selected lines from a file using the vim editor. I have looked up a few resources and they have suggested to use this-
  1. Type mk
  2. Type: "ay'k (double quotes, <register name from a-z>, <y-yank single quote, k
  3. You can paste those lines wherever you want with "ap
I tried this and it works great with in the same file but when I try to copy it in another file it says no lines in buffer.

It would be great if you explain this to me as to why this does not work. Also, please let me know what are the other ways to do this. I generally highlight the code and paste using p. But this time I have about 1650 lines to do so.

I am on an AIX box [ Version 5.3]. Any suggestions or links to resources would be greatly appreciated.

# 2  
Old 09-12-2009
HI coolavi,

You can go in this way.....

"a10yy (copy 10lines into buffer a)

:e another_file (switch to file another_file)

12G (move to line 12)
"ap ( put the 10 lines after 12 lines)

The only precaution you need to take here is that,on no account,should you exit vi to open a second file .The buffer contents are lost when you leave vi.

so do the above thing without quiting vi.(enjoy)

# 3  
Old 09-12-2009
Hey, Thanks Sanjay.

Dude! you were quick to pounce on this.

It seems to be working but please explain me one thing. When we use the :e file_name option in vim, does it not affect the original program ?? Does it do a :q on the original program ?

I did that and it seemed that it exited out of the original program. Please explain when you get a chance.

# 4  
Old 09-12-2009
I am just making it very clear.
you can edit multiple files without leaving the editor.While editing one file ,you can easily switch to another by using :e new_file
now you are under the file new_file and just do the editing upon it ,
if after all you want again to go back to the original file which you opened at the begining the siple use :e# (which means toggle between current and previous file.

and finally you can use :wq! or( esc then ZZ)

hope you can make use of it
# 5  
Old 09-12-2009
Yes, I am making use of the new concept I have learnt from you.

Thanks again Sanjay!
# 6  
Old 09-16-2009
Here is a way similar to Sanjay's method, but one that others may find easier...

TO COPY AND PASTE (in vi or vim)
While editing a file in vi,
1)  Go to the first line you want to copy and press
     ma                                   (meaning marker a)

2)  Go to last line you wish to copy and press
     mb                                   (meaning marker b)

3)  Now you will copy (or yank) the range 'a,'b  to buffer z by pressing
     :'a,'b y z

4)  Go to the line where you wish to paste what's in buffer z
     To paste below the current line press
     To paste above the current line press

TO CUT AND PASTE (in vi or vim)
While editing a file...
1)  Go to the first line you want to cut and press
     ma                                   (meaning marker a)

2)  Go to last line you wish to cut and press
     mb                                   (meaning marker b)

3)  Now you will cut (or delete) the range 'a,'b  into buffer z by pressing
     :'a,'b d z

4)  Go to the line where you wish to paste what's in buffer z
     To paste below the current line press
     To paste above the current line press

# 7  
Old 02-24-2010

For copying n number of files from one file to another file
the following steps will we use.

In select Mode

Step1. in escape mode place your cursor in starting of the line
[ where you want ]

Step2. press Shift V then using "j" or "k" select the lines.

Step3. press 'y' for copy the selected lines.

Step4. if you want to past the copied content in same file then place your cursor where you want. then press "p" for paste the content.

if you want to paste your selected content in new file of another file.

in command use "e" then give the argument file name.
then the file is opened in same editor.

then press "p" The copied file paste in to another file.

if you want to toggle between two files press Ctrl+^

In escape mode:

Place your cursor in required line then press how many number of line you want to copy from the current line then press "y"

then given n number of line will be copied.

then see the Setp4.
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