Is it possible to set a timeout for rpcinfo?

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# 1  
Old 09-09-2009
Is it possible to set a timeout for rpcinfo?

I've created a script that checks the health of a piece of equipment out in the field by first establishing that it is pingable, and then parsing
log files to gather information. Today I realized that there are times where the equipment may be pingable, and will not show any
immediate issues in the logs, but will fail rpcinfo. I'd like to add an rpcinfo check to my script to alert who ever runs it that there is a
problem that isn't caught in any of the other tests.

My issue however is that the command rpcinfo doesn't seem to have a reasonable timeout before it fails. I don't want the script to hang
while the rpcinfo is being run. I know with ping I can lower the timeout (ping 1) but I can't find anything in the man pages
that shows me a similar way to work with rpc. I just want to do a simple "if rpc fails then echo this device has failed yadda yadda"

I'm working on a Solaris 10 box.

In case anyone cares, the script I'm working with is as follows (if you have any general advice on the script all means share.

[~/bin]$ cat modCheck 
# Program:      modCheck 
# Date Created: 29 January 2009 
# Developer:    **** (Digital Sys. Admin)
# Revised:      21 June 2009; Rewritten to simplify code, added color, ability to dynamically check for number of DeMODs
# Revised:      24 June 2009; added dumping to log file, added ability to use IP and MOD name
# Revised:      14 July 2009; added ping check
# Description:  Generates report of box signon for a given mod
# Last Updated: N/A
#Define Colours#
#Make certain that we have something to check#
if [ -z $1 ];then
echo -e " ${red}You Must Specifiy what MOD you wish to check${nc}"
exit 1
#Declare functions for later use#
nametomod () #Function that changes QPSK names to MOD ID
listQpsk -w 999|nawk -v x=$1 '{if (x == $10) print $9}'
iptomod () #Function that changes QPSK IP address to MOD ID
listQpsk -w 999|nawk -v x=$1 '{if (x == $4) print $6}'
modtoip () #Function that converts MOD ID to IP address for use in ping testing
listQpsk -w 999|nawk -v x=$mod '{if (x == $6) print $4}'
separator() #Function that draws separator
 printf "${lightblue}==============================================================================================================${nc}\n"
#Analyze user input to determine if it needs to be translated into MOD ID#
if [[ $1 != [0-9]** ]];then
mod=`nametomod $1`
elif [[ $1 = 10.*.*.* ]];then
mod=`iptomod $1`
#Analyze user input to determine if it needs to be translated into IP address for later testing#
if [[ $1 != 10.*.*.* ]];then
#Get QPSK info#
lq=`listQpsk $mod`
#establish what time the log starts#
time=`head -1 /var/log/dncsLog |awk '{print $3}'`
#Establish number of DeMods on QPSK# 
num_of_mods=`echo "$lq"|awk '{print $3}'|grep -cw [1-9]`
#Check to see if QPSK is pingable and report information#
pingtest=`ping "$ip"`
if [[ "$pingtest" != "$ip is alive" ]];then
printf "${lightblue}WARNING WARNING WARNING ${red}QPSK $mod is not responding to pings ${lightblue} WARNING WARNING WARNING${nc}\n"
#Print Banner (This does not get written to log file)#
printf "\t\t\t${white}QPSK $mod has $num_of_mods DeMODS\n\t\t${lightpurple} \
                 Please wait while I gather the Sign on statistics for this MOD${nc}\n"
#pull out just relevant information from the log#
log_extract=`egrep "Mod=$mod Demod=[0-$num_of_mods] - Sent Verified response" /var/log/dncsLog`

modseq=1 #Establishes baseline for checking all DeMODS
modcheck () #Function that spiders the DNCS log for sign ons

until [[ $modseq -gt $num_of_mods ]];do
current_count=`echo "$lq"|awk '{print $3,$5}'|grep -w $modseq|awk '{print $2}'`
total_count=`echo "$log_extract"|grep -wc "Demod=$modseq"`
if [[ $total_count -lt $current_count ]];then
printf "${lightblue}\t${lightcyan}$total_count ${white}boxes have signed onto DeMod $modseq since ${yellow}$time${white} today. This is $(($current_count-$total_count)) ${lightgreen}less${white} boxes than are currently signed on${lightblue}\t\n${nc}"
elif [[ $total_count -gt $current_count ]];then
printf "${lightblue}\t${red}$total_count${white} boxes have signed onto DeMod $modseq ${yellow}$time${white} today. This is $(($total_count-$current_count)) ${red}more${white} boxes than are currently signed on${lightblue}\n${nc}"

echo -e "${white}$lq"
} #End of modcheck Function
makeuserdir () #Function that creates a hidden directory to store log files
mkdir $HOME/.modCheck
#Check to see if user already has a log directory, if not create it#
if [[ -d $HOME/.modCheck ]];then
name=`listQpsk -w 999|nawk -v mod=$mod '{if (mod == $9) print $10}'`
modcheck|tee $HOME/.modCheck/$name."`date "+%a_%b_%e_%H_%M"|tr " " "_"`"
name=`listQpsk -w 999|nawk -v mod=$mod '{if (mod == $9) print $10}'`
modcheck|tee $HOME/.modCheck/$name."`date "+%a_%b_%e_%H_%M"|tr " " "_"`"

[~/bin]$ modCheck
                        QPSK 221 has 4 DeMODS
                Please wait while I gather the Sign on statistics for this MOD
  335 boxes have signed onto DeMod 1 since 13:45:40 today. This is 778 less boxes than are currently signed on  
  327 boxes have signed onto DeMod 2 since 13:45:40 today. This is 897 less boxes than are currently signed on  
  377 boxes have signed onto DeMod 3 since 13:45:40 today. This is 705 less boxes than are currently signed on  
  330 boxes have signed onto DeMod 4 since 13:45:40 today. This is 251 less boxes than are currently signed on  
 ID QPSK Name           Demod   IS2W    SignOn  % SignOn
--- ------------------  -----  -----  --------  --------
221 SUNSETQPSKMOD5B        -       0         0        -
221 SUNSETQPSKMOD5B        1    1588      1113        70
221 SUNSETQPSKMOD5B        2    1700      1224        72
221 SUNSETQPSKMOD5B        3    1517      1082        71
221 SUNSETQPSKMOD5B        4     869       581        66
--- ------------------  -----  -----  --------  --------
    Total (IS2W, signed on)     5674      4000        70
Sep 09 15:24:11 - listQpsk Ended.

Last edited by jim mcnamara; 09-09-2009 at 09:28 PM..
# 2  
Old 09-10-2009
No, rpcinfo does not have such an option. However you could easily write a watchdog script to kill your rpcinfo invocation after a certain time elapses.
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