questions to a special ls

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# 1  
Old 08-23-2009
questions to a special ls


Can anyone explain me in detail the following instructions (1st and 2nd line only)?

ls | \
while IFS= read filename
(some other instructions)

Thanks in advance.
# 2  
Old 08-23-2009
The code:
ls |

is sending the output of the ls command onto the next command's input (stdin) rather than to the display.

causes the shell to treat the following line as it it was on the same line, e.g.:
ls | \

is the same as:
ls | more

The line:
while IFS= read filename

causes each filename from the ls command to be used to set the variable ${filename} which can then be used in the code between the "do" and "done". The "IFS=" sets the separator character that is used to differentiate between one filename and the next.
If the separator is taken to be a space then the following would do the same but by replacing spaces with commas and then using a comma as the separator:
$ ls | sed -e 's/ /,/g' | while IFS="," read filename; do echo FILENAME = $filename; done

# 3  
Old 08-23-2009
Thanks Tony - you gave me a very understandable reply. Regards - Lazy
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