auto change x screen and execute script

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# 1  
Old 08-14-2009
auto change x screen and execute script

Hi there,

I've been looking all day, but could not find anything helpfull, so I hope you can help me.
When my system now starts up, the Xwindow is automaticly started and i get the log on screen (which is x screen 7 if I'm correct)
Now what I would like is on startup that instead of going to screen 7, it goes to another X screen (6 or so).
Then on that screen, a user should automaticly be logged in, after which a script (or a program) automaticly runs.
The main idea is, that if someone puts a screen on the machine, he just gets to see what i wont him to see (that program or script) (assuming he does not know how to switch screens ofcourse Smilie )

Thanks in advance!
# 2  
Old 08-19-2009
Nobody? Smilie
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