Hi, Thanks for your reply.
I can bring up the router in the browser and change settings, etc., but I get the 'connection refused...' whenever I try to start the browser on any website (it has
Sun Microsystems as the default address, of course). I tried to ping the router address by itself but didn't include the port, so I will try that now.
I tried to ping the server address listed in my router from my cable provider but got "imcp unreachable..." even though it did include the name of the provider so it seemed like it did see something.
btw, I'm still getting the maill error at boot. Is that a clue? I can even access my XP pc and see my files so I know it's on my network... I just can't seem to get to the internet.
---------- Post updated 08-12-09 at 01:50 AM ---------- Previous update was 08-11-09 at 10:14 PM ----------
...it's arp (the suspect, that is... ) I keep seeing a broadcast of which is out of my subnet range (go figure) and of course it's my Solaris box. Even though I sys-unconfigure'd and go in 115 which is within my range. This also explains (to me, at least) why I never can see my S-box listed in my Router client table. How do I turn that off?