help interpreting var/log/messages log

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# 1  
Old 08-06-2009
help interpreting var/log/messages log

I'm using RHEL and my var/log/messages file is filled with "FTP session opened/closed" lines that happen all day:

Aug  2 04:04:38 web proftpd[31873]: ([]) - FTP session closed.
Aug  2 04:05:11 web proftpd[31883]: ([]) - FTP session opened.

Is this normal? We certainly don't ftp this much to the server. What does this mean?

Last edited by gaspol; 08-06-2009 at 06:00 PM..
# 2  
Old 08-06-2009
I'm no proftp expert but I imagine one of the IP addresses listed is of the FTP client accessing your server, the IP address is of the network port that proftpd is servicing on your server. If you do not recognise one of the IP addresses as one from your system then perhaps you have an unwanted visitor?
# 3  
Old 08-06-2009
Unfortunately it means what it looks like. Something's opening and closing lots of FTP sessions. The IP addresses are client IP addresses. Check for other proftpd lines saying 'Login successful.' to see if they got in, and if so, as whom.
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