How to form a correct syntax to sift out according to complementary patterns with 'find'?

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Top Forums UNIX for Beginners Questions & Answers How to form a correct syntax to sift out according to complementary patterns with 'find'?
# 8  
Old 01-18-2018

Taking these in turn:

1. grep -l basically just prints the names of files that match the pattern you're searching for, rather than printing the matching lines in the files themselves. For example, compare:

$ cat test.txt
This is a test file.
This is the only line that contains the string 'FOO'.
This line doesn't contain it, and is the last line in the file.
$ grep FOO test.txt
This is the only line that contains the string 'FOO'.
$ grep -l FOO test.txt

So we can see that when we used the -l flag, we just got the filename returned, rather than the matching line within the file.

2. grep -L prints out only the names of those files which do not match the given string. Again, best demonstrated with an example.

$ cat test.txt
This is a test file.
This is the only line that contains the string 'FOO'.
But because of that, a 'grep -L FOO' won't return the name of this file.
$ cat test2.txt
This file does not contain the string we're searching for.
So its filename will be printed when we do a grep -L
$ grep -L FOO *.txt

So here, we only got test2.txt in our output and not test.txt, since test2 did not contain the string we were searching for, whereas test did. Because we wanted to only see the names of those files which did not contain our string, this makes sense.

3. I don't have time right now for a full write-up of how -prune behaves, but basically it tells find not to consider everything that the arguments before the -prune lfag found, more or less. If this isn't clear then I'll try to reply again tonight with a bit more detail on this last point.

Hope this helps.


Right, a bit more detail on -prune. As others have mentioned throughout previous replies, in its usual usage find performs a series of tests to ultimately return whatever it is you've asked it to find. By default, all of these tests must pass, and only things which pass all of the tests you've specified will be acted upon by find in the end.

So in the case of the command find . -type f -exec grep -l FOO \{\} \;, there are a few things being tested here.

Firstly, that the thing being considered resides underneath the current working directory, represented by . (the first argument is always the root of the path that find will start from).

Second, we are only interested in things which are files. The -type flag can be used to search for directories, files, symbolic links, device files, all kinds of things. Files are represented by -type f

Now before we go on, remember that in order to proceed to the next test, the previous test must have passed. So at this point we've found all files that reside in or somewhere beneath our current directory. So the third step is continued into.

The third flag is a bit different, or might seem so at first. The purpose of -exec is to execute an external command on whatever it is we've found up 'til now. So here, we execute the command grep -l FOO on all files that reside in or beneath the current working directory. The item currently being processed is represented by two curly brackets, and the end of the command is signified by a semi-colon. So the \{\} is substituted at execution time by whichever of our found-so-far-things is currently up for consideration. And the ; signifies the termination of the command to be executed.

Now, that explains things so far. But what if we first want to exclude a category of things from consideration that would otherwise normally be caught by find ? That's where -prune comes in. It will remove from subsequent consideration anything that has been matched by any flags or actions taken up until this point in the find command. So things matched prior to the -prune flag will not be matched by anything that follows the -prune.

So if we look again at my original proposed solution to your problem, the command find . -type d -name 'browser?' -prune -o -type f -exec grep -l FOO \{\} \; can be broken down as follows:

1. The path we are running our find beneath. This is the current working directory, .

2. -type d -name 'browser?', meaning "all directories whose names match the regular expression 'browser?'".

3. -prune -o, meaning "we want to exclude from consideration all things matched by whatever comes next, if they also match whatever came before this point". So no content within directories in or underneath the current working directory whose names match 'browser?' will be affected by whatever follows this point.

4. -type f -exec grep -l FOO \{\} \;, meaning "execute grep -l FOO on all files". But because of our previous -prune -o, the end result of this is only to execute the grep -l FOO on all files that do not reside in or underneath a directory whose name matches the regex 'browser?'.

I hope this helps clear things up. If you have any more questions let me know and I'll be happy to help if I can.

Last edited by drysdalk; 01-18-2018 at 04:30 PM..
This User Gave Thanks to drysdalk For This Post:
# 9  
Old 01-21-2018

Huge thanks, your explanatory skills are impressive indeed. I went online only now after several days of intensive brainwork I tried to go through on my own and was only astonished that we share the similar understanding.
I think I may nailed the essence of my problem of why I was unable to filter out unneeded entries. After failing numerous tests trying to search just for the entries I wanted to be skipped instead of trying to actually I stumbled upon the fact that I had missed the logic when using

in that it output no results when I tried to feed it as an argument to
-and -not -path

parameter in the combination with

. I bypassed an obvious thing which was that 1) expressions of the type

can NOT be arguments to


and 2) nor it coexist with any other parameters than

because it was what the name of the parameter's implies - "a regular extension of the Extended Set" - it could NOT be used to do what I sought not in conjunction with it.
So the correct logic of this part of the command line was
-regex  '.*(keyword|KEYWORD).* -and -not -regex '.*(Safari|[Oo]pera).*

. Use of -path and -regex on the same line with Extended Set regexes was like comparing incomparable. By further investigation I discovered that I could not make much of use of
-exec grep

or pipe into either


, cause grepping is useful mostly for manipulating strings in target files or in output of such commands as

so I dropped that option.

I looked closely at description of

once more and it was this phrase that caught my attention and made into my enlightenment:
It causes find to not descend into the current file

So this is what I needed: to omit the entire pathname and get only the highest level for every matched result according to the pattern. It meant I had append this option to the command line without any following constructs. Having tested with simpler instances I glanced through the man page and threw in

to omit constant "/dev/fd 3: not a directory" lines.

So, to sum the entire line that I struggled to come up with to do the task had to be:

echo PASSWORD | sudo -S find -E -x / -regex '.*(keyword|KEYWORD).*' -and -not -regex '.*(Safari|[Oo]pera).*' -and -not -path *OtherAlwaysShowingUpUselessLine* -prune

Notice that the argument to -path is NOT a regular expression of the extended set with which you'd use -E option to

necessary to provide if

is used too. In this case it conforms to the logic nicely and assists in the required manner.

That way I was able to reduce the output to only 5 lines, "sandboxing" that app in the search results that I then had opportunity to apply further actions to.

Last edited by scrutinizerix; 01-24-2018 at 09:14 PM..
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