ftp from NT to UNIX

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# 1  
Old 10-30-2002
Question ftp from NT to UNIX

PROBLEM !!!!!!!

I have files that is on a NT machine. It is located in a directory with subdirectories underneath it. TAR can not be used.

I need to use a normal ftp command script to transfer these files from NT to UNIX, or get it from the UNIX machine, including the subdirectories. It must be interactive as well, so the -i option must be used.

Anybody that can help with a script for this problem, please, it would be of great help.

# 2  
Old 10-30-2002
if you have terminal emulation software eg. Reflections for Unix then you get an FTP Client which is a windows gui interface and makes ftp between NT, Windows(all versions), DOS, Unix to Unix etc very simple. You would simply map to the NT pc from your own machine , then in the terminal emulator you would choose the mapped drive on the left side of your screen - on the right side of your screen it provides a logon to the Unix machine - then the ftp is a simple as click click.

On the other hand, you could put the ip address and host name of the NT pc onto your Unix box in the /etc/hosts file. Then use a script something like this :-

ftp -in ntpcname <<!
user username password
mput filenametobeftped*

where :-
ntpcname - is the name of your nt pc
username is a valid user name on your nt pc
password is the password of that user
filenametobeftped* is the name of the file/s to be ftp's ( obviously it would be mget if the files are going the other way).

This will put the files into your default ftp directory on your nt pc (if you don't know where this is - try one file and see where it goes by searching on the nt)
If you're doing this from Unix and want to get the files from NT then you should be in the directory that you want the files to go to.
Ensure that you chmod the script file so that it is execuatable (eg. chmod 777 scriptfilename).

# 3  
Old 10-30-2002
Ok, this is a normal ftp. I want a script with ftp subdirectories as well, I do not want to change directory every time all files is ftp from one directory, and now I must do a lcd or cd.

A script that will get the files from Nt machine to Unix box, including the subdirectories with a FTP command.
# 4  
Old 10-30-2002
You can download "Windows Commander" from download.com. This is very useful explorer for ftping across operating system.
FTP command itself does not support recursive ftp.

I use commander which is very effective.
# 5  
Old 10-30-2002
you may want to try rcp

# 6  
Old 10-30-2002
look up .netrc files for automated ftp also look into scp part of the ssh tools.

samba could also be used as could the freeware winrar which can read tar files.

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