does anybody know what the bcb feature is in EMC?

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Top Forums UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users does anybody know what the bcb feature is in EMC?
# 1  
Old 09-20-2002
does anybody know what the bcb feature is in EMC?

does anybody know what the bcb feature is in EMC?
# 2  
Old 09-20-2002

Why dont you dive into the EMC or Symetrics page and found any Datasheets?Smilie
# 3  
Old 09-24-2002

Did you mean to type BCV? If so, it stands for Business Continuance Volume.

A BCV is a mirrored copy of an EMC production volume. Typically, a "split" operation is performed to remove the BCV from the production volume so that a backup can be made from the BCV.

Hope this helps!

Systems/Network Administrator
LiveFire Labs - Hands-On Technical e-Learning
# 4  
Old 09-24-2002
Biker is correct.

We also use BCVs for something other than a backup for raw disks.

First, we use BCVs to take a snapshot of a production database for backup, but also to use as a Reporting function for our Accounting department. This gives them something to pull reports from the previous days business.

Second, We also use BCVs to copy Databases from one box to another for analysis and development purposes. This is much faster than trying to copy 1/2 a Terabyte or more of data from one box to another. No bandwidth is used up. Of course you need to have Volume groups and Filesystems defined on the second box by BCV with the disk devices that are associated with the Filesystems on the Primary box. Once you have that setup it is simply a matter of making the sync, breaking the mirror and then mounting them on the second box!

BCVs are very useful. You can go to

There you can download documents that may help.

# 5  
Old 09-25-2002
I wanted to add one more potential use of BCVs to Kelam's list.

BCVs can also be used for software/hardware upgrade or migration dry-runs. In a mission-critical environment, it is wise to perform a dry-run of an upgrade/migration prior to doing the upgrade/migration against production systems/data. This allows you to validate your plan, and possibly expose any potential flaws in your plan. You don't always catch everything, but your level of comfort with your plan will increase.

Systems/Network Administrator
LiveFire Labs - Hands-On Technical e-Learning
# 6  
Old 01-02-2004
can someone expand more on these BCVs

the site provided isn't much help as I cant access anything on it.

what is the process the BCVs go through?

is it in this order:


am confused. also, just to make sure the rest of the world uses the same command I use here at work, can someone tell me any one or two command they usually issue to perform bcv operations?

thank you
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