User Copy

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# 1  
Old 09-19-2002
User Copy

How would I Copy all the users from a Sco 5.0.4 Server over to a new Sco 5.0.5 Server?
# 2  
Old 09-19-2002
I would use tar. and then ftp over to the other box or rcp if you have that capability.

tar -cfv home.tar /home

You will also have to copy the user portion of the /etc/passwd file and the group file if you have any usual group GIDs.

Also, make sure that you have no conflict with duplicate UIDs on the new host.

Here is a link that talks about these changes.

Just make sure you do all these things and you should be fine. I may have forgotten 1 or 2 small things but just try to port over any related config files like /etc/profile etc...

Smilie Smilie
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