How does the PATH and MANPATH environment variable get set?

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Top Forums UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users How does the PATH and MANPATH environment variable get set?
# 1  
Old 08-22-2002
How does the PATH and MANPATH environment variable get set?

How does the PATH and MANPATH environment variable get set?

I want to add "/opt/SUNWspro/bin" to the search path for all the users. Where can I access this variable.
I know in my home directory, depend on which shell I use, there are files such as .profile and .cshrc which I can edit to include the search PATH for myself.

If I want to add the search path for all the users on the system. Then how can I add it.
Thanks in advance,
# 2  
Old 08-22-2002
altho setting stuff globally is not always good. I can only assume you know what your doing.

/etc/profile on solaris.

now you also much remember that the if the user redefines there path in there ~/.profile or what ever that they MUST include the orginal $PATH or your global changes dont do anything.
# 3  
Old 08-22-2002
I tried this command before, not sure if this can helps to solve your problem.

path(path, getenv('/opt/SUNWspro/bin'))
# 4  
Old 08-23-2002
/etc/profile for linux as well for all users

~user/.bash_profile and ~user/.bashrc

for invidvidual users
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