getting a DISPLAY from another client

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Top Forums UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users getting a DISPLAY from another client
# 15  
Old 07-16-2002
ok, if his machine is windows, then you need pc anywhere or something like that

if his machine is sco then he has to open the telnet or ssh service.
# 16  
Old 07-16-2002
norsk is right, X server has to run somewhere...
# 17  
Old 07-16-2002
Is the user using a Unix workstation or Windows workstation?
If later, use netmeeting or anyother remote control software to acheive what you need.
# 18  
Old 07-16-2002
no he is using SCO, the easiest and best way to do what it hink he wants to do is the the x server. i would have suggested it earlier, but i thought he just wanted to see what the user was seeing as the user was running a program, what i think now you mean is that you just want to remotley login to his desktop, when i hear desktop i think gui, so then you want to remotley login to the xserver, which can be done fairley simply.
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