change password ??

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# 1  
Old 02-29-2008
change password ??

Hey all,

How to reset the password to a given user id ??

I used passwd commands, but now for that user there are 2 passwords. i.e the old and new passwords.

as : passwd mqcfaostt
oldpassword : pass1
new password : pass2
Confirm new password : pass2

Now, su - mqcdaostt is working for both the passwords. pass1 and pass2

Suggest !!
# 2  
Old 02-29-2008
If pass1 and pass2 have the same 8 characters and more after that, then the passwords are the same as far as the system is concerned.

# 3  
Old 03-03-2008
Originally Posted by RTM
If pass1 and pass2 have the same 8 characters and more after that, then the passwords are the same as far as the system is concerned.

thanks for the reply,

the first 8 characters are defenitly diff.
"pass1" and "pass2" are 2 passwords, old one and newer one., for the same userid.

Now tell me whats the matter when i change the password why does it take both the old and new passwords ?
# 4  
Old 03-03-2008
Just curious..
What system is it?
# 5  
Old 03-03-2008

Originally Posted by vbe
Just curious..
What system is it?
Its AIX 5.3
Me too amazed with this nature of the command !! Smilie
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