Jpeg viewer on SunOS 5.8

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# 1  
Old 02-14-2008
Jpeg viewer on SunOS 5.8

I was wondering what program can i use instead of mozilla to view a picture on a sun solaris system running SunOS 5.8.
To view a pic i'm currently doing it this way:
xterm -sb -fn screen-bold -g 60x30+0-0 -title '%s window - pls quit window upon completion ' -e mozilla file:///usr/sailing.JPG

Also instead of using xterm can i just call this program and select where on the screen i would like the picture to pop up using maybe some xy cordinates.
Thank you.
# 2  
Old 02-14-2008
There's a bunch of third party apps that can do this for you. Xv is pretty good, as is imageview.

To have them pop up on a given display from the commandline, you don't need to run an xterm first.
Just make sure your DISPLAY environment variable is set correctly (alternativly, most X applications will accept a "-display <display:number>" flag instead.
To select where it should be displayed on the screen, select which display number via the -display flag (eg 0.0 0.1 etc). To select where on the given screen, most apps will accept a -geometry flag with four optional parameters:
X coord
Y coord

eg To display a 640x480 window 20 pixels from the left side of the screen and 30 pixels down on 'mydisplay':
xv -display myhost:0.0 -geometry 640x480+20+30 sailing.jpg

eg To display a 640x480 window 50 pixels in from the right side of the screen and 10 pixels from the bottom:
xv -display myhost:0.0 -geometry 640x480-50-10 sailing.jpg

# 3  
Old 02-15-2008
In what directory would i find some of these programms and is there a default programm that gets loaded on sunOS 5.8 ?

Last edited by wisher115; 02-15-2008 at 02:45 PM..
# 4  
Old 02-15-2008
Also try:


# 5  
Old 02-15-2008
I use xv. You can find it for Solaris 8 / SPARC here:

Freeware List for SPARC and Solaris 8
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