10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. Shell Programming and Scripting
On serverB i wish to have a script that creates ONLY & EXACTLY the same folder structure that i provide on ServerA.
Thus if serverA has a folder "Output" under /opt/app/Output and has the below folders under Output
Output/data... (11 Replies)
Discussion started by: mohtashims
11 Replies
2. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
Hi how can i create 2 directories in two different directories ($HOME and $PWD) with 1 command?
dir 1 in $HOME and dir2 in $PWD (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: chinababy
2 Replies
3. UNIX Desktop Questions & Answers
I would like to write a script that would remove and/or create shortcuts in Gnome desktop in RHEL 6.3...
I googled all over the place could never find what I needed...
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you! (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: ruberked
0 Replies
4. Programming
Hi every one,
Please excuse me if any grammatical mistakes is there.
I have multiple xml files in one directory, I need to create multiple XML files into one XML file.example files like this</p>
... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: veerubiji
0 Replies
5. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hi All,
Please ignore if terminology used is incorrect as I am new to Unix.
I want to create a Multi user input form which looks something like this:
Logged User: abcd12 ... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: vidhu0007
4 Replies
6. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hi ,
I 'm trying to check if multiple directories exist on a server, if not create the missing ones and print " creating missing directory.
how to write this in a simple script, I have made my code complex
if ; then
taskStatus="Schema extract directory exists, checking if SQL,Count and... (7 Replies)
Discussion started by: ramky79
7 Replies
7. AIX
Such as one hostname: abcd1234, how to create a short name: a1? (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: rainbow_bean
4 Replies
8. Shell Programming and Scripting
Using the instruction mget (within ftp) and with "Interactive mode off", I want to get all files from directory (DirAA), but not the files in sub-directories.
The files names don't follow any defined rule, so they can be just letters without (.) period
Directory structure example: ... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: Peter321
0 Replies
9. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
I need your help in writing shortcuts to my directories. So that I can go into the directories with the help of shortcuts.
For example: there is a directory called
I want to give a shortcut as project1 . So whenever I have give cd project 1 from command line ... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: TonySolarisAdmi
3 Replies
10. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
Can any1 help me by telling me the way to create multiple directories using single command....
to create 1 directory.. mkdir is used.... :D
but how to create multiple direcs. like 4 direc.
i tried ....
$ mkdir a; mkdir b; mkdir c; mkdir d
But its 4 commands in a single... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: abishekmag
3 Replies